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973 results found

CGG Pressure Database

The CGG Pressure Database includes pressure test data from over 1000 wells in the UKCS providing info on formation pressure, depth, test type and quality. (Download size,11GB).

Surface Pressure Charts

These charts show the surface pressure pattern using isobars (lines of equal pressure) and indicate areas of high (H) and low pressure (L) along with their central pressure value. Isobars are...

Unlinked anonymous Serosurveys of HIV prevalence (diagnosed and undiagnosed infections) - Neonatal dried blood spots

Unlinked anonymous Serosurveys of HIV prevalence (diagnosed and undiagnosed infections) - Neonatal dried blood spots

UKAP (UK Advisory Panel for Health Care Workers Infected with Blood- borne Viruses) database

UKAP (UK Advisory Panel for Health Care Workers Infected with Blood- borne Viruses) database

Southern Ocean procellariform blood and feather stable isotope data

This dataset comprises the delta-13C and delta-15N stable isotopic information from two tissue samples (whole blood and mantle feathers) from 16 adults of 8 species of Southern Ocean procellariform...

Pressure Forecast Map Layer

A map overlay showing mean sea level pressure in isobars also known as surface pressure for the UK. Single tile map layer images are provided three hourly from T+0 to T+36.

Interactive CNS Pressure Cells Map

HPHT fields in the North Sea account for a significant portion of UK total production. Expediting the successful exploitation of new HPHT structures in the UKCS can play a major role in maximising...

CNS Pressure Data and Shapefiles

HPHT fields in the North Sea account for a significant portion of UK total production. Expediting the successful exploitation of new HPHT structures in the UKCS can play a major role in maximising...

Marine human activities-pressures links table

This standardised UK pressure-activities matrix was created following a review of previous attempts to link human activities to marine pressures. Coastal and marine ecosystems have historically...

Standardised list of pressures in the marine environment

This table is a list of pressures associated with the marine environment and their descriptions. This table was produced from a review of previous attempts to link human activities to marine...

Plaque reduction neutralisation test results for common guillemot (Uria aalge) blood samples tested against twelve strains of a tick-borne virus, Great Island virus

This dataset contains plaque reduction neutralisation test (PRNT) results for common guillemot (Uria aalge) blood samples tested against twelve strains of a tick-borne virus, Great Island virus....

Marine Pressures-Activities Database (PAD) v1.1

Note: a newer version of this database (v1.2, 2018) is available. Coastal and marine ecosystems are subject to a number of human-induced pressures associated with a variety of marine activities....

Marine Pressures-Activities Database (PAD) v1.5

Coastal and marine ecosystems are subject to a number of human-induced pressures associated with a variety of marine activities. As such it is important to understand the links between human...

Water Framework Directive Quantitative indicators for the scale of pressures

Quantitative indicators for the scale of pressures For the Water Framework Directive (WFD) River Basin Management Plans data had to be reported to the European Environment Agency. These data are...

Natura 2000 threats pressures and positive activities

Threats, pressures and positive activites (TPA) for each Natura 2000 site (SAC and SPA). Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) are strictly protected sites designated under the EC Habitats Directive....

UK Gas column pressures and CO2 content database.

The data consists of a spreadsheet containing gas column height, CO2 content and estimated retained buoyancy pressures for Southern North Sea gas fields, based on published information. The data...

Third UK Habitats Directive report (2013) - pressures and threats to UK habitats and species

This dataset lists pressures and threats for habitats and species listed under the Habitats Directive. Every six years, all EU Member States are required (under Article 17 of the Directive) to...

Deformation of Sandstone under Crustal Pressure and Temperature Conditions (NERC Grant NE/L002485/1)

Data generated at UCL on a conventional triaxial apparatus used to deform three different sandstones at room temperature and 150 °C. The data includes the raw mechanical data (time, load,...

Spend over £25,000 in NHS Blood and Transplant

A monthly-updated list of all payments made over £25,000 published as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

GPC Spend over £500 in NHS Blood and Transplant

A monthly-updated list of all GPC spend over £500 published as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.