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97 results found

Estates Data

Data regarding FSA estates. It covers running costs and space per FTE and workstation. The figures are used to benchmark against other government departments and the private sector. We are able...

HMRC People Survey results

People survey results showing HMRC’s employee engagement index. The 2013 survey is HMRC’s fifth annual Civil Service People Survey. HMRC’s engagement index has increased by a rounded 3% (from...

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Benchmarking Balanaced Scorecard

Quarterly updates of the CAMHS Benchmarking tools. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland) Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Farm Business Survey (FBS)

Collection of information about English and Welsh farmers and growers to inform them, the agricultural and horticultural industries, government and the general public about the state of their...

Annual innovation report

Data used in the Annual innovation report 2012. The fourth annual innovation report that gives the latest available evidence on UK innovation performance and the contribution of business,...

Income and expenditure in Academies in England

This statistical release give a summary of academies' income and expenditure, using data from the Benchmarking section of annual Accounts Returns (AR) completed by each Academy Trust for the period...

NI 190 Achievement in meeting standards for the control system for animal health.

Degree to which a local authority is meeting the standards of performance. The Framework Agreement is an agreement between Local Authorities, DEFRA and the Welsh Assembly Government for the...

Planned Expenditure of Local Authorities on education and Children's social care functions (Section 251 data)

This data presents budget / planned expenditure returned to the DfE by Local Authorities as part of their commitments set out in the Apprenticeship, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009. It...

Pension Fund management results

Pension fund management benchmarked performance figures.

Post 16 Participation NEET

Local Authorities are required to track young peoples participation in education and training enabling those who are not in education, employment or training to be identified. They record the...

Consistent financial reporting

Consistent financial reporting (CFR) is the framework by schools to collect the information on income and expenditure each year. The information held here is for all maintained schools and pupil...

The Trends in Mathematics and Science Study

The Trends in Mathematics and Science Study is an international survey of the educational achievement of the equivalent of year 5 and year 9 pupils across the world organised by the IEA. A total of...

Time-lapse gravity data Corbetti caldera (Ethiopia): 2014/16 (NERC grant NE/L013932/1)

The RiftVolc microgravity network was comprised of a total of 4 benchmarks including a reference benchmark. Benchmark locations, observed gravity changes, dg14 -16, from 2014-2016, corresponding...

Civil Service People Survey 2014

The Civil Service People Survey (CSPS) is an annual survey open to all Civil Servants and those that work for Civil Service organisations. In 2014 274,080 Civil Servants across 101 organisations...

Barnet Schools income and expenditure

Barnet Local Education Authority Schools financial benchmarking on income and expenditure • Annual returns are sent to DfES as part of a statutory...

Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage (SCCS) Working Paper 2010-03: Benchmarking worldwide CO2 saline aquifer injections

Technical report, component of ‘Progressing Scotland’s CO2 storage opportunities’ 2010. Carbon Capture, Transport and Storage is a very active field of research, especially for the past decade....

Civil Service People Survey 2013

The Civil Service People Survey (CSPS) is an annual survey open to all Civil Servants and those that work for Civil Service organisations. In 2013 270,793 Civil Servants across 97 organisations...

Control Stations (EACS) Database

Environment Agency Control Stations (EACS) or Benchmarks (EABMs) have been created since the 1990s for use as survey control for Environment Agency projects. Control stations are fixed locations in...

Total Supply Staffing Costs All Barnet Schools

Amounts paid by each Local Education Authority school in Barnet directly on supply cover (as recorded for Consistent Financial Reporting purposes under code E02) and also to third parties in...

Govt construction strategy performance data

The government has been publishing cost data since 2012 in order to understand the cost of government construction, to drive down costs and to deliver 15 to 20% savings by the end of this...