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62 results found

2016 Coastwise and North Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Croyde Bay Bioblitz

12 hour public survey run by Coastwise North Devon and North Devon AONB and held on 17th September 2016 of all species in all habitats within the Croyde Bay area. The aim of the survey was to...

2017 North Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Combe Martin Devon Bioblitz

8 hour Schools and public survey run by North Devon AONB and held on 14th March 2017, of all species in all habitats within the Combe Martin area. The aim of the survey was to record as many...

2016 Coastwise and North Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Croyde Bay Bioblitz

12 hour public survey run by Coastwise North Devon and North Devon AONB and held on 17th September 2016 of all species in all habitats within the Croyde Bay area. The aim of the survey was to...

2016 Coastwise and North Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Croyde Bay Bioblitz

12 hour public survey run by Coastwise North Devon and North Devon AONB and held on 17th September 2016 of all species in all habitats within the Croyde Bay area. The aim of the survey was to...

2017 North Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Combe Martin Devon Bioblitz

8 hour schools and public survey of all species in all habitats within the Combe Martin area, run by North Devon AONB and held on 14th March 2017. The aim of the survey was to record as many...

Output Area (2021) to Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (2022) Best Fit Lookup in EW

A best fit lookup between Output Areas (OA) at March 2021 and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) in England and Wales as at December 2022. For more information and an overview of...

National Parks - Lake District & Yorkshire Dales extension

National Parks are run by National Park Authorities for the purpose of conserving and enhancing the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage and to provide opportunities for the understanding...

2017-2018 North Devon Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) North Devon Species Census

As part of the Coastal Creatures Project a species census across four beaches along the North Devon Coast AONB was undertaken.

2017-2018 North Devon Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) North Devon Species Census

As part of the Coastal Creatures Project a species census across four beaches along the North Devon Coast AONB was undertaken.

2017-2018 North Devon Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) North Devon Species Census

As part of the Coastal Creatures Project a species census across four beaches along the North Devon Coast AONB was undertaken.

Common Database on Designated Areas in the UK

A spatial dataset of the UK's National designations submitted to the Common Database on Designated Areas (CDDA) in March 2016. This is the most up to data copy of the dataset and previous...

National Parks (England)

National Parks are run by National Park Authorities for the purpose of conserving and enhancing the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage and to provide opportunities for the understanding...

Species point records from 1987 Heriot-Watt University Loch Moidart littoral survey

A survey of the intertidal area of SSSI at Loch Moidart, Ardnamurchan, for NCC Scotland, particularly the area likely to be affected by a proposed mussel farm development. The notification of this...

Habitat point records from 1987 Heriot-Watt University Loch Moidart littoral survey

A survey of the intertidal area of SSSI at Loch Moidart, Ardnamurchan, for NCC Scotland, particularly the area likely to be affected by a proposed mussel farm development. The notification of this...

DNPA Section 3 Woodland

Section 3 Woodland. Section 3 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1985 requires the National Park Authority to prepare a map showing areas of mountain, moor, heath, woodland, down, cliff or...

NYMNPA Section 3 Moor and Heath

Section 43 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended by Section 3 of the Wildlife and Countryside [Amendment] Act 1985) requires National Parks to publish maps of land particularly...

Common Database on Designated Areas (CDDA) attribute data (access database)

The CDDA is a data bank for officially designated protected areas such as nature reserves, protected landscapes, National Parks, etc. in Europe. The CDDA is run by the European Environment...

Brownfield Register Lancaster City Council 2019

The council republished its brownfield land register data on the 17 June 2019. The register will be uploaded annually. The data identifies 32 brownfield sites, all of the sites on the register are...

Local Green Space

This layer shows local green space designations from plans within the Broxtowe Borough Council Area.Local Green Spaces are designated through local and neighbourhood plans, in accordance with...

Places to Visit in Causeway Coast and Glens

The Causeway Coast and Glens is an area of breathtaking beauty where the rugged coastline merges with a romantic landscape of deep, silent glens and lust forest parks and boasts three Areas of...