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54 results found

P-wave velocity and attenuation (1/Q) data of ice-bearing sand pack during melting measured using an acoustic pulse tube under 2.5 MPa effective pressure

The data comprise P-wave velocity and attenuation (1/Q) measurements of ice-bearing sand packs across ice saturation levels during melting, from frozen to fully melted conditions. Using an acoustic...

2011, BG Group, White Bear, Jack-Up Rig, DECC Reference Number 2399

An oil and gas industry site survey for a jack-up rig acquired under licence P1722 in April 2011. The block numbers traversed were 22/3b and 22/4b.

2010, BG Group, White Bear, Jack-Up Rig, DECC Reference Number 2272

An oil and gas industry site survey for a jack-up rig acquired under licence P1722 in August 2010. The block number traversed was 22/4b.

Electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) of iron oxide minerals from cobalt and nickel bearing limonitic laterite deposits from the CoG3 NERC project (NERC Grant NE/M011488/1)

NERC Grant NE/M011488/1 Electron microprobe analyses of Fe-oxide and Fe-oxyhydroxide phases as elemental percentages per point analysis. The phases were within limonites from Acoje (Philippines),...

Backscattered electron images of clinopyroxene-bearing ocean island basalts from Iceland and the Azores

Backscattered electron image (BSE) images of ocean island basalt samples from four volcanic systems in Iceland (Holuhraun, Skuggafjoll, Laki and Eyjafjallajokull) and two eruption sites on Pico...

2011, Nexen Petroleum UK Ltd, Blackbird/Ettrick WI/Panda Bear, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number 2543

An oil and gas industry environmental, drilling hazard, semi-sub rig site survey acquired under licences P317, P273, P928, P1580, P1581 between June and August 2011. The block numbers traversed...

ICP (Inductively coupled plasma) data of cobalt bearing ore materials used in the CoG3 project. (NERC Grant NE/M011488/1)

NERC Grant NE/M011488/1 ICP bulk chemistry as wt% oxide or elemental ppm of limonites from Acoje (Philippines), Caldag (Turkey), Nkamouna (Cameroon), Piaui (Brazil) and Shevchenko (Kazakhstan)...

Rhenium-osmium abundance and isotope data obtained for the Nakatengu Creek

Rhenium-osmium abundance and isotope data obtained for the Nakatengu Creek Section, Japan. Sample collection August 2021 principally funded by NSF-NERC award. The approximately 2000 m...

Bulk XRD (X-ray Diffraction) powder diffraction data of cobalt bearing raw materials used in the CoG3 NERC project (NERC Grant NE/M011488/1)

NERC Grant NE/M011488/1 X-ray powder diffraction patterns as xy datasets of limonites from Acoje (Philippines), Caldag (Turkey), Nkamouna (Cameroon), Piaui (Brazil) and Shevchenko (Kazakhstan)...

Microfossils - Raw Dataset

Microfossil samples submitted to the BGS are currently registered using the prefix 'MPA'. Samples include rock, residues from sample preparations, and slides of mounted specimens. Rock, residues...

QEMSCAN(R) analyses on sediments recovered during the IODP Expeditions 372 and 375, Hikurangi Margin (New Zealand) (NERC grant NE/R016615/1)

The data include: 1. Excell spreadsheets from Sites U1517-C; U1518-f; U1519-C. Each spreadsheet contains detailed mineralogical information aquired with QEMSCAN®. 2. QEMSCAN-50 and QEMSCAN-4 images...

Population dynamics of evolving bacterial populations in liquid media, 2020

This data was collected from co-evolving bacterial populations containing Pseudomonas fluorescens strain SBW25 and a plasmid, pQBR57. The composition of the community was tracked using flow...

Aquifer Designation Dataset for Wales

Joint BGS/Natural Resources Wales (NRW) dataset of aquifer designations for Wales at 1:50 000. The dataset identifies different types of aquifer - underground layers of water-bearing permeable rock...

Aquifer Designation Dataset for England and Wales

Joint BGS/Environment Agency dataset of aquifer designations for England and Wales at 1:50 000. The dataset identifies different types of aquifer - underground layers of water-bearing permeable...

Habitat point records from 1990 FSCRC Cosheston Pill littoral sediment survey

The field work was carried out at low tide on the 12th February 1990. Five sample stations were established, three of which were located in an area where Shelduck are known to congregate and two in...

Species point records from 1990 FSCRC Cosheston Pill littoral sediment survey

The field work was carried out at low tide on the 12th February 1990. Five sample stations were established, three of which were located in an area where Shelduck are known to congregate and two in...

Royal Anne Galley Marine Environmental Assessment

The Royal Anne Galley was a galley frigate was wrecked off the Lizard in 1721 while on voyage to the Barbados. There were only three survivors out of 200 passengers and crew. The most notable of...

Royal Anne Galley Marine Environmental Assessment

The Royal Anne Galley was a galley frigate was wrecked off the Lizard in 1721 while on voyage to the Barbados. There were only three survivors out of 200 passengers and crew. The most notable of...

Gritting Routes - Scotland

Each local authority creates gritting routes and regimes to keep their most important roads (and in some cases footpaths) and networks clear come bad winter weather. Most LAs create these as line...

LVMF Protected Vistas

The London View Management Framework (LVMF) protects key views of London from parks or other well-used public spaces that help define London. Further details set out in the LVMF Supplementary...