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915 results found

Pupil attainment at Key Stage 1 and 2, GCSE and equivalent, Post-16 and value added measures by pupil characteristics

Key Stage 1 and 2 National Curriculum assessments, GCSE and equivalent achievements and post-16 attainment of young people in England by gender and Free School Meals (FSM) eligibility Source:...

Pupil attainment at Key Stage 1 and 2, GCSE and equivalent, Post-16 and value added measures by ACORN category

Key Stage 1 and 2 National Curriculum assessments, GCSE and equivalent achievements and post-16 attainment of young people in England by ACORN category Source: Department for Education and...

Pupil attainment at GCSE and associated value added measures for young people by gender in England, (referenced by location of educational institution)

GCSE and Equivalent results and associated Value Added Measures of 15 year old pupils in maintained schools in England. The dataset includes the total number of 15 year old pupils taking GCSE and...

Pupil attainment at Key Stage 1 and 2, GCSE and equivalent, Post-16 and value added measures by ethnicity and gender

Key Stage 1 and 2 National Curriculum assessments, GCSE and equivalent achievements and post-16 attainment of young people in England by ethnicity and gender Source: Department for Children...

Other regular and ad hoc consumer and business surveys

VisitEngland publish results from its ongoing programme of market research whenever these are felt to be relevant to the wider tourism industry. Most of these surveys are published at...

Microfossils from the continental shelf - value added data

Added value microfossil analyses carried out on material from the British Continental shelf are included. Sample number, borehole details, locality and geological information are given together...

All BGS Value Added Biostratigraphy Collections And Data

Interrelated specimens and records compiled over 150 years of palaeontological collecting and research. All associated paper data (registers, indexes of locality and storage, reports of conclusions).

MMO1050 Gross Value Added (GVA) economic assessment of the South Plan area Web Feature Service (WFS)

Forms part of the economic baseline project undertaken by Eunomia on behalf of the MMO for the economic baseline for the South Marine Plan Areas (MMO Project No:1050) available at...

MMO1050 Gross Value Added (GVA) economic assessment of the South Plan area Web Mapping Service (WMS)

Forms part of the economic baseline project undertaken by Eunomia on behalf of the MMO for the economic baseline for the South Marine Plan Areas (MMO Project No:1050) available at...

Pupil attainment at Key Stage 1 and 2, GCSE and equivalent, Post-16 and value added measures by English as a First Language (EFL) and gender

Key Stage 1 and 2 National Curriculum assessments, GCSE and equivalent achievements and post-16 attainment of young people in England by English as an Additional Language (EAL) and...

Gross value added (GVA) for local enterprise partnerships in the UK

Data and commentary on nominal gross value added (GVA) and productivity for local enterprise partnerships (LEPs).


Administrative datasets on Value Added Tax

Trust Agents

Data on Trust Agents. Updated: ad hoc. Data coverage: 2004/05

Legal Advice (Solicitors)

Advice log, correspondence, guidance and templates for Solicitors advice. Updated: ad hoc.

Office Furniture Specifications

Specifications and details of products by supplier that meet HMRC requirements. Updated: ad hoc.

Trust Agents

Data on Trust Agents. Updated: ad hoc. Data coverage: 2004/05

Legal Advice (Solicitors)

Advice log, correspondence, guidance and templates for Solicitors advice. Updated: ad hoc.

Evaluation and Evaluation Evidence Databases

Tracks the status of HMRC evaluations of research and analyses, findings and meta-data. Updated: ad hoc.

Evaluation and Evaluation Evidence Databases

Tracks the status of HMRC evaluations of research and analyses, findings and meta-data. Updated: ad hoc.

Large Business Database

Data base of large business groups and their structure. Updated: Ad hoc. Data available for 2005/06