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Official Development Assistance (ODA) Budget

Summary of FCO Official Development Assistance by category

Official Development Assistance (ODA) British Council

British Council - FCO Official Development Assistance 2012-2013 through the British Council

Teaching assistants in maintained schools

Full-time equivalent teaching assistants in Local Authority maintained schools Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families...

FCO Official Development Assistance (ODA) Frontline Diplomatic Activity

File gives details of FCO Overseas Development Assistance Aid Related Frontline Diplomacy spending from April 2011

Full-time teaching assistants in maintained schools

Full-time teaching assistants in maintained nursery, primary, secondary, special schools and pupil referral units in England: January 1997 to 2004. Source: Department for Education and Skills...

CYC Assistant Director Service Plans 2018-19

These are the Assistant Director service plans for 2018-19, produced at the start of the financial year as per the City of York Council's __performance management framework__. For more...

Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) Delivery Team – Technical Assistance Funding

Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) Delivery Team – Technical Assistance Funding database

Employee Assistance Programme

Dedicated information and counselling service for The Insolvency Service employees - produce reports on types of issues raised by staff, grades of staff contacting them etc.

UK Consular assistance enquiries

Numbers of incidents handled by UK consulates overseas, including hospitalisations, deaths, detentions, with geographical location

Provisional UK Official Development Assistance as a Proportion of Gross National Income

UK official development assistance. Some small improvements will be made to the presentation of information in this publication as recommended by the Good Practice Team from the National...

BEIS: Official Development Assistance (ODA)

These documents set out what the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) aims to achieve through our funding. The Gender equality in research and innovation document sets the...

Magnetic time series for Differential Magnetometer site Bude (BUD) (NERC Grant NE/P017231/1)

Magnetic time-series from the BGS SWIGS differential magnetometer method (DMM) systems. Funded by NERC, grant number: NE/P017231/1 “Space Weather Impact on Ground-based Systems (SWIGS)”. These data...

Magnetic time series for Differential Magnetometer site Toppesfield (TOP) (NERC Grant NE/P017231/1)

Magnetic time-series from the BGS SWIGS differential magnetometer method (DMM) systems. Funded by NERC, grant number: NE/P017231/1 "Space Weather Impact on Ground-based Systems (SWIGS)". These data...

Magnetic time series for Differential Magnetometer site Dalry (DAL) (NERC Grant NE/P017231/1)

Magnetic time-series from the BGS SWIGS differential magnetometer method (DMM) systems. Funded by NERC, grant number: NE/P017231/1 "Space Weather Impact on Ground-based Systems (SWIGS)". These data...

Magnetic time series for Differential Magnetometer site East Kilbride (EAS) (NERC Grant NE/P017231/1)

Magnetic time-series from the BGS SWIGS differential magnetometer method (DMM) systems. Funded by NERC, grant number: NE/P017231/1 "Space Weather Impact on Ground-based Systems (SWIGS)". These data...

Magnetic time series for Differential Magnetometer site Brandon Parva (BRA) (NERC Grant NE/P017231/1)

Magnetic time-series from the BGS SWIGS differential magnetometer method (DMM) systems. Funded by NERC, grant number: NE/P017231/1 "Space Weather Impact on Ground-based Systems (SWIGS)". These data...

Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) International Subscriptions

This file gives details of FCO Core Contributions to International Organisations.

Official Development Assistance (ODA) International Programme

FCO International Programme superceeded the previous programme fund, the FCO Bilateral and Strategic programme fund. These datasets are cumulative and are added to quarterly.

FCO Prosperity Fund Overseas Development Assistance

The cross Government Prosperity Fund promotes the economic reform and development need in underdeveloped countries. These dataset are cummulative files and provide the spend data since 2016.

X-ray Microtomography of Intermittency in Multiphase Flow at Steady State Using a Differential Imaging Method

The images in this dataset are a sample of Bentheimer Sandstone from a micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) scan acquired with a voxel resolution of 6.00µm. We imaged the steady state flow of brine...