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214 results found

General Medical Practices - Branch Surgeries

GP Branch Surgeries Contains: Codes for GP branch surgeries in England.

General and Personal Medical Services, England

A detailed view of the General Practice workforce including GPs by type and practice staff. The general practice census is collected each year and records numbers and details of GPs in England...

Annual Anti-social Behaviour Order (ASBO) Statistics

Detailed breakdown of anti-social behaviour order (ASBO) data by Criminal Justice Area Source agency: Home Office Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Anti-social behaviour order statistics, England and Wales

Annual release of statistics relating to anti-social behaviour orders. Breakdowns provided are age, sex and criminal justice system (CJS) area. Source agency: Justice Designation: Official...

DCLG Data4NR: Concern about anti-social behaviour

Proportion of people who consider various forms of anti-social behaviour as defined by target, a 'very' or 'fairly big' problem. Data4NR reference.

General Medical Practices - by Primary Care Organisation

GP Practices making up each Clinical Commissioning Group, Care Trust, Local Health Boards in Wales (or old style Primary Care Group for closed GP Practices). Contains: A mapping of GP...

NHS Workforce Statistics: Non-Medical Staff

A detailed view of the NHS non-medical workforce including nurses, scientists and support staff. Excluding medical or dental doctors within the Hospital and Community Health Services (HCHS) and...

NHS Workforce Statistics: Medical and Dental Staff

A detailed view of the NHS Medical and dental workforce including consultants, registrars and other doctors in training. Data for medical and dental staff are an annual snapshot of the number of...

The Medical Profiles Project

The medical profile comprises of a suite of clinical indicators (7 chapters) about the medical care provided by an NHS board and its hospitals. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National...

HPI: Health care resourcing for medical, surgical and psychiatric specialties

Health Poverty Index - Situation of Health: Health care resourcing: Net health care expenditure (inpatient and outpatients) per capita for medical, surgical and psychiatric specialties Source:...

Crime and Anti-social Behaviour (ASB)

Monthly and annual crime and ASB numbers and rates at ward and local authority area level calculated from figures supplied by North Yorkshire Police

DCLG Places Survey: NI 017 Perceptions of anti-social behaviour

Percentage of respondents with a high level of perceived anti-social behaviour. DCLG places survey NB This and all other National Indicators were discontinued in 2010.

National Clinical Audit of Anxiety and Depression Core Audit

National Clinical Audit of Anxiety and Depression Core Audit. Data collected between June and September 2018 and aggregated by Mental Health Trusts in England. The scope of the audit was to look at...

Community trigger indicator for anti-social behaviour

A dataset providing a breakdown of the key performance indicators for anti-social behaviour (ASB) case reviews. Community triggers are special cases where repeated anti-social behaviour...

Anti-Fungal Treatments in Food Animals

Development and validation of methods for screening and confirmatory analyses of residues of anti-fungal treatments in food animals

Adverse Incident Reporting (medical devices)

adverse incidents involving medical devices. Continuous collection. Safety reportsconcerning medical devices - collection, analysis and response

Epidemiology & Medical Statistics Unit (EMSU) National Proficiency Testing Council (NPTC)

Used for inputting, retention, retrieval and analysis of medical data collection on workers exposed to pesticides. Number of records in dataset – 85,900. Contains sensitive medical in confidence...

Drug Use in Ireland and Northern Ireland Drug Prevalence Survey: Sedatives or Tranquillisers and Anti-Depressants Results

This bulletin provides a comprehensive overview of many different aspects of sedative or tranquillisers and anti-depressant use in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Source agency: Health, Social...

NI 027 - Understanding of local concerns about anti-social behaviour and crime by the local council and police

This indicator focuses on quality of life issues, specifically with an element of community engagement through asking about seeking peoples views. Understanding and agreeing what priorities are...

NI 021 - Dealing with local concerns about anti-social behaviour and crime by the local council and police

Percentage of respondents that agree police and LAs are dealing with anti-social behaviour and crime in the local area.