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Agreed International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) Implementation Plan

FCO plan to reach IATI standard for publication of Official Development Assistance Data

Fixed Penalty Notice - Distribution of Literature

The Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) issued for leafleting without permission on land where leafleting is restricted (‘designated land’) from 2005 to 2009 by local authorities.

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Income tax statistics and distributions

Provides general information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and structural...

Navy News DPRN/FLEET distribution list

Distribution list for copies of Navy News to people and units nominated by Fleet media.

Foodbank Distribution Outlets

Location of food pack distribution outlets, captured as point dataset. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE.

TSP 8: Age Distribution of UK Regular Forces

UK regular forces strengths by age Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: TSP 8

Foodbank Voucher Distribution locations

Location of food voucher collection locations, captured as point dataset. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence -...

Mapping the distribution of benthic biotopes in the Summer Isles. Lifeforms

A survey of habitats with particular reference to maerl around the Summer Isles, Ross & Chromate, Scotland was undertaken by the Benthic Mapping and assessment project (BMAP), at the University...

Mapping the distribution of benthic biotopes of Loch Maddy. Lifeforms

The study ‘Trialing of AGDS and video sledge monitoring techniques in Loch Maddy’ is part of a larger project ‘Loch Maddy monitoring trials’ which itself contributes to Task 2.1 of the UK...

Distribution input and supply pipe leakage: 1992/93 to 2010/11

Distribution input and supply pipe leakage: 1992/93 to 2010/11

Med Distribution database

Details of war pension file medical casework tracking

Distributive and Services Trades

Provides information on turnover of various Distribution and Service industries at the three digit level of UK Standard Industrial Classification. Source agency: Office for National...

Mapping the distribution of benthic biotopes around the Thanet coast. Substrate

The survey of the marine environment around Thanet was undertaken as part of the BioMar Project which is funded by the European Community through the LIFE Programme. Thanet forms the eastern corner...

Distribution of Zostera beds around eastern tip of Isle of Wight


Species Distribution - A verified distribution model for the lesser sandeel (Ammodytes marinus)

The lesser sandeel Ammodytes marinus is a key component of the North East Atlantic ecosystem but little is known about its distribution outside of fished areas. In this study, species distribution...

UK Biodiversity Indicator C4b, Status of UK priority species - distribution

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator C4b, Status of UK priority species - distribution. Priorities for species and habitat conservation are set at a country level...

Mapping the distribution of benthic biotopes of Loch Maddy. Small area. Biotopes

The study ‘Trialing of AGDS and video sledge monitoring techniques in Loch Maddy’ is part of a larger project ‘Loch Maddy monitoring trials’ which itself contributes to Task 2.1 of the UK...

Veterans World Distribution Database

Details of recipients of Veterans World magazine

Teacher Workforce Statistics in Grant Aided Schools (Northern Ireland)

The purpose of this statistical release is to provide analysis in relation to teacher numbers, teacher vacancies and pupil: teacher ratios in grant-aided schools. This information is analysed by...

Pupil: Teacher ratios in grant-aided schools in Northern Ireland

Pupil to Teacher Ratios in grant-aided schools, including breakdown by management type and ELB. Source agency: Education (Northern Ireland) Designation: National Statistics Language:...