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Across Wales Non-Native Species Survey

Ongoing rapid assessments for presence/absence of marine Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS) in Welsh marinas. A sub-section of probable invasive marine species was determined using a mixture of...

Marine Non-Native Atlas for Wales 2010

The dataset contains a series of records for each of the non-native marine species currently identified as occurring in Wales. The records have been extracted from Countryside Council for Wales'...

NI 020 - Assault with injury crime rate

The rate of Actual Bodily Harm (assault with injury) crimes per 1,000 population.

OS Net

OS Net is our highly accurate and resilient network of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) base stations covering Great Britain. It enables Real-time Kinematic (RTK) positioning services,...

No crimes data

The number of incidents that have been recorded by police forces as crimes, but have then been ‘no crimed’ where it is judged by the police that no crime actually took place.

Fitness Information System Software

Actually three different systems, one for each Service.  The systems record Fitness levels of all Service Personnel. This is a DASA hosted system used by the three Services.

FGS Climatic Site Suitability - Native Broadleaves (W8)

Woodland Creation forms part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014 - 2020. The SRDP delivers Pillar 2 of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Utilising some £1,326m of...

FGS Climatic Site Suitability - Native Broadleaves (W11)

Woodland Creation forms part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014 - 2020. The SRDP delivers Pillar 2 of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Utilising some £1,326m of...

FGS Climatic Site Suitability - Native Broadleaves (W6)

Woodland Creation forms part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014 - 2020. The SRDP delivers Pillar 2 of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Utilising some £1,326m of...

FGS Climatic Site Suitability - Native Broadleaves (W17)

Woodland Creation forms part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014 - 2020. The SRDP delivers Pillar 2 of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Utilising some £1,326m of...

FGS Climatic Site Suitability - Native Broadleaves (W7)

Woodland Creation forms part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014 - 2020. The SRDP delivers Pillar 2 of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Utilising some £1,326m of...

FGS Climatic Site Suitability - Native Broadleaves (W10)

Woodland Creation forms part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014 - 2020. The SRDP delivers Pillar 2 of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Utilising some £1,326m of...

FGS Target Area - Highland and Argyll Native Woodlands

This dataset identifies a target area, the purpose of which is to increase native woodland creation through Forestry Grant Scheme (FGS) applications in Highland and Argyll. The proposed new...

FGS Climatic Site Suitability - Native Broadleaves (W9)

Woodland Creation forms part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014 - 2020. The SRDP delivers Pillar 2 of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Utilising some £1,326m of...

FGS Climatic Site Suitability - Native Broadleaves (W16)

Woodland Creation forms part of the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) 2014 - 2020. The SRDP delivers Pillar 2 of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Utilising some £1,326m of...

A Survey of Native Oyster Beds (Ostrea edulis) in Wales

The native flat oyster Ostrea edulis is a UK and Welsh Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) species, for which a UK action plan exists. Native oysters have a long history of over-exploitation in Wales...

Restoration of Native Oyster, Ostrea edulis, in South Wales

Native oyster populations throughout Europe suffered a serious decline in the late 19th and early 20th centuries due predominantly to over fishing and associated habitat loss, but exacerbated by...

Pooling of Housing Receipts

Information on (a) local authorities' housing receipts (particularly Right to Buy receipts), (b) calculation of what parts are poolable, and (c) the amounts each local authority has actually paid

List of UK black poplar clones and their DNA fingerprint (2007-2015)

Native black poplar in the UK is a rare and endangered tree species that has been heavily reproduced vegetatively, leading to issues of widespread clonal replication. This data presents the DNA...

UK Biodiversity Indicator B6, Pressure from invasive species

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator B6, Pressure from invasive species. The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) identifies invasive...