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Achievement and Attainment Tables for National Curriculum Assessments at Key Stage 2

The Achievement and Attainment Tables (now re-named Performance Tables) provide information on the achievements of pupils in local primary schools, how they compare with other schools in the Local...

Pupil attainment at Key Stage 1: Achieving Level 2 or above

National Curriculum Assessments of 7 year olds in England: Proportion of pupils achieving level 2 or above in Reading, Writing, Maths or Science Key Stage 1 Source: Department for Education and...

NI 190 - Achievement in meeting standards for the control system for animal health

Diseases of farmed animals such as Foot and Mouth Disease, Rabies and Avian Flu have potentially serious consequences for public health and affect both local and national economics as a result of...

NI 190 Achievement in meeting standards for the control system for animal health.

Degree to which a local authority is meeting the standards of performance. The Framework Agreement is an agreement between Local Authorities, DEFRA and the Welsh Assembly Government for the...

National achievement rates tables 2015 to 2016

Apprenticeship, education and training annual national achievement rate tables (NARTs), including open data CSVs. The national achievement rates tables (NARTs) are summary indicators of...

% of After School Clubs achieving 'good' or 'outstanding' - (Snapshot)

% of After School Clubs achieving 'good' or 'outstanding' - (Snapshot)

Pupils achieving a Good Level of Development at age 5 (%)

Pupils achieving a Good Level of Development at age 5 (%) *This indicator has been discontinued

NI 102b - Achievement gap between pupils eligible for free school meals and their peers achieving the expected level at Key Stages 2 and 4 - Key Stage 4 Gap

The percentage point gap between pupils eligible for free schools meals (FSM) achieving at least Level 4 in English and Maths at Key Stage (KS) 2, and their peers. The percentage point gap between...

NI 102a - Achievement gap between pupils eligible for free school meals and their peers achieving the expected level at Key Stages 2 and 4 - Key Stage 2 Gap

The percentage point gap between pupils eligible for free schools meals (FSM) achieving at least Level 4 in English and Maths at Key Stage (KS) 2, and their peers. The percentage point gap between...

NI 125 Achieving independence for older people through rehabilitation / intermediate care

The proportion of older people discharged from hospital to their own home or to a residential or nursing care home or extra care housing bed for rehabilitation with a clear intention that they will...

NI 084 Achievement of 2 or more A*- C grades in Science GCSEs or equivalent

Number of pupils in a school at the end of KS4 who have achieved 2 or more science GCSEs graded A*-C against the number of pupils in a school at the end of KS4, expressed as a percentage. Source:...

NI 082 - Inequality gap in the achievement of a Level 2 qualification by the age of 19.

The number of individuals who were eligible for and claiming FSM at age 16 who turned 19 during the academic year and have passed the level 2 threshold against the school census population at age...

NI 081 - Inequality gap in the achievement of a Level 3 qualification by the age of 19

The number of people that were/were not eligible for FSM at age 19 who reached level 3 against the number of people that were/were not eligible for FSM at age 16 on the school census, expressed as...

NI 161 Number of Level 1 qualifications in literacy (including ESOL) achieved

The number of learners achieving a Level 1 qualification in literacy Source: Department for Innovation Universities and Skills (DIUS) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographic...

NI 161 - Number of Level 1 qualifications in literacy (including ESOL) achieved

The number of learners achieving a Level 1 qualification in literacy

NI 125 - Achieving independence for older people through rehabilitation / intermediate care

The proportion of older people discharged from hospital to their own home or to a residential or nursing care home or extra care housing bed for rehabilitation with a clear intention that they will...

NI 084 - Achievement of 2 or more A*- C grades in Science GCSEs or equivalent

Number of pupils in a school at the end of KS4 who have achieved 2 or more science GCSEs graded A*-C against the number of pupils in a school at the end of KS4, expressed as a percentage.

NI 081 - Inequality gap in the achievement of a Level 3 qualification by the age of 19

The number of people that were/were not eligible for FSM at age 19 who reached level 3 against the number of people that were/were not eligible for FSM at age 16 on the school census, expressed as...

NI 082 - Inequality gap in the achievement of a Level 2 qualification by the age of 19.

The number of individuals who were eligible for and claiming FSM at age 16 who turned 19 during the academic year and have passed the level 2 threshold against the school census population at age...

Landfilling Biodegradable Municipal Waste in England - Landfill Allocation Scheme Targets And Achievement

Landfilling Biodegradable Municipal Waste in England - Landfill Allocation Scheme Targets And Achievement