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Website Statistics (Archived)

** Note: This dataset has been archived and is no longer being updated due to a change in analytics platform. You can find the new dataset relating to Website Statistics in the following link;...

Website analytics for

Daily analytics data on the number of visitors to the council website. Additional information For more information click the following...

State and Guest of Government Visits to the UK

Database of Inward State Visits and Guest of Government visits to the UK. This dataset gives details of the principals who were invited to the UK as guests of HM The Queen (State visits) or Guest...

NI 010 - Visits to museums and galleries

Museums and galleries have a range of local impacts, including promoting education and well-being and a sense of identification with their locality. The national Taking Part survey has demonstrated...

The Prime Minister?s UK Visits

The Prime Minister?s UK Visits

NI 010 Visits to museums and galleries

Museums and galleries have a range of local impacts, including promoting education and well-being and a sense of identification with their locality. The national Taking Part survey has demonstrated...

State and Guest of Government Visits to the UK

This data is for senior foreign dignitaries (or ‘principals’) who were invited to the UK as Guests of Government by the Prime Minister or the Foreign Secretary.

Library visits

Libraries play a vital role in bringing together communities and providing a vital social outpost for visitors and residents. This dataset shows the total annual visitor numbers for libraries...

Library Visits

The data from 17/18 - 19/20 shows library visits for each library in Calderdale for both Library and Non-Library purposes. (Library purposes are physical or footfall visits include borrowing or...

UK Radon Website

UK Radon Website. Provides access to radon data from joint venture with British Geological Survey & radon risk reports

Newcastle Libraries visits

Monthly number of people visiting (entering) a library; by branch from April 2008 to present. We advise you to explore this data alongside our opening times data set, which shows changes in opening...

Department of Health Ministerial Visits May 2010 onwards

Department of Health Ministerial Visits May 2010 onwards

Cambridgeshire County Council website usage

Website usage statistics for CCC corporate website

Cambridgeshire County Council website satisfaction

Cambridgeshire County Council website customer satisfaction between 2009 - 2012.

Cambridgeshire County Council Website Availability

Availability information from the Cambridgeshire County Council website;

Cambridgeshire County Council Website Usage

Usage information from the Cambridgeshire County Council website;

Agricultural compliance visits Land & Water teams

A list of farm visits conducted to check compliance with a number of environmental regulatory requirements and good practice. Data is split by historical operational regions/areas. Discrete river...

NI Direct website data

Data relating to public internet visits to the NI Direct website (, the official government website for Northern Ireland citizens. Last updated: 6 April 2022.

OpenDataNI Website Statistics Data

OpenDataNI website usage data, collated via Google Analytics, for the period from the site's launch on 26th November 2015 onward.

Moon Beever Secure Website

A database to allow our contracted agent to monitor the receipt of Income Payments made to the The Insolvency Service. The database is used via a web application to instruct our agents and receive...