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156 results found

Hydrothermal fluid modelling for pH in alkaline hosts (NERC grant NE/M010848/1)

This study explored the links between host rock composition, hydrothermal fluid composition (particularly pH), and the resulting ore minerals and deposits. The progressive water–rock reaction...

Field measurements of peatland carbon cycling at a wind farm hosting peatland in Scotland, UK

Data from a field-based investigation into the spatio-temporal variability of abiotic and biotic controls on peatland carbon cycling. Data was collected between February 2011 and April 2013, across...

Information Management Physical Records System (IMPReS)

Hosted by Iron Mountain: ICMS manages the physical records (circa 3.7 million) held by Iron Mountain on behalf of DECC. Purpose: Utilised to locate, retrieve and track all DECC's physical assets,...

Insurance Claims Management system(ICMS)

Previously operated by Capita now hosted by Iron Mountain: It is used to manage Coal Heath Compensation Claims. It provides historic MI for CLU and its contractors and subcontractor to manage...

Communities and Local Government energy and water consumption data page

This page provides access to real time energy (gas and electricity) and water consumption for Communities and Local Government headquarters building, Eland House, London. The Department's HQ...

Digital Record Store for images (DRCi)

Hosted by Iron Mountain. The DRC is an IBM Image on Demand System. It stores and manages digital images and fixed content. It currently holds British Coal Corporation (BCC) scanned Medical Records...

UK Air Quality Measurements Bulk Data Download

This is a bulk data download resource for air pollution measurements hosted by Defra's UK-AIR web pages - see also Monitoring networks and pollutants included are...

Commissioning Support Units

Commissioning Support Units (CSU) Contains: Ecsu.csv contains parent CSUs and Data Management and Integration Centres (DMIC). DMICs will collate commissioning intelligence pertaining to...

Indium mineralisation in SW England: Host parageneses and mineralogical relations NERC grant NE/L001896/1

Publication and associated data from NERC Grant - NE/L001896/1. Published Paper, Andersen J, Stickland RJ, Rollinson GK, Shail RK. (2016) Indium mineralisation in SW England: Host parageneses and...

State and Guest of Government Visits

The principals were invited to the UK as Guests of Her Majesty The Queen (State Visits) or Guests of Government at the invitation of the Prime Minister or Foreign Secretary. For such visits the FCO...

Mimetic host shifts in a social parasite of ants: Analytical data of surface semio-chemicals on Maculinea rebeli larvae

This dataset is part of the study of mimetic host shifts in an endangered social parasite of ants, which is a joint study of the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and the University of Oxford. It...

Distribution maps of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Vaccinium myrtillus and Vaccinium vitis-idaea across Scotland as hosts for Phytophthora

These spatial layers contain the predicted occurrence and abundance of three heathland shrubs, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Vaccinium myrtillus and Vaccinium vitis-idaea identified as susceptible host...


This service hosts the datasets for, and provides the View Service for Newark & Sherwood District Councils INSPIRE compliance.


This service hosts the datasets for, and provides the Download Service for Newark & Sherwood District Councils INSPIRE compliance.

Understanding and addressing the biodiversity impact of controlling Phytophthora on heathland

Report (pdf) contains data in tables that can be used under Open Government Licence. 1.1. Phytophthora ramorum and Phytophthora kernoviae are two fungus-like pathogens which affect a range of...

Ad hoc housing analysis

This page hosts the results of ad hoc housing analysis carried out by the Greater London Authority, including figures that have been referred to in Mayoral press releases.

Bristol City Council Events

Bristol plays host to hundreds of events each year, from local street parties to large-scale sporting events like the Half-Marathon. This feed provides a list of these events.

U/Pb ratios in olivine-hosted melt inclusions in subduction (island arc magmas) setting (NERC grant NE/K008862/1)

A worldwide compilation of 333 analyses of U and Pb concentrations in olivine-hosted melt inclusions from island arc magmas. These data were used in Delavault et al. (2016, Geology 44, 819-822) to...

U/Pb ratios in olivine-hosted melt inclusions in intraplate (ocean island magmas) setting (NERC grant NE/K008862/1)

A worldwide compilation of 189 analyses of U and Pb concentrations in olivine-hosted melt inclusions from ocean island magmas. These data were used in Delavault et al. (2016, Geology 44, 819-822)...

Melt inclusion, host mineral, and glass compositions from the 2014-15 Holuhraun eruption, Iceland (NERC grant NE/M021130/1)

Geochemical analyses of melt inclusions, host minerals, and glasses from the 2014-15 Holuhraun eruption, Iceland. Published in: Hartley ME, Bali E, Neave DA, Maclennan J, Halldorsson SA (2018) Melt...