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Operational Fatality and Casualty Statistics

From April 2013, the release of this publication will not be announced on the Statistics Publication Hub in line with the new MOD policy of only announcing National Statistics on the Hub. Please...

Carers Credit Operating System

Carer’s Credit Operating System Database containing details of carers and the disabled person(s) that they care for. The system captures the name, National Insurance Number, date of birth and...

GPS operational risk registers

Operational risks that are being actively managed

Defence EOD Operator Datasets

Training and assessment data for Defence EOD Operators

Operational Deployability Record ODR

Captures a soldiers mission specific training history and his administrative and medical preparations prior to an operational deployment in order that commanders receive assurance on the levels of...

Operational project delivery plans

Project plans that are used to help deliver the work of the Procurement Policy & Capability Team

GPS operational performance metrics

Monthly operational performance metrics against targets

DIU Non Operational Schedule

Shows details of all non-operational deaths – held on excel spreadsheet.

DFMS - Accounting Operations (IYM)

Accounting Application including; - Shared Service Centre (SSC) General Ledger (GL) - TLB GLs - Fixed Asset Module (Including MEAD2, SBSO FARs, Merlin, Maestro) - Accounts Payable - Accounts...

Cancelled Operation, England

Cancelled operations. Source agency: NHS England Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Cancelled Operation, England

Operator licence register

A register of all gambling operators licensed by the Commission - updated daily. Data is available in Excel, CSV and as a ZIP file with all datasets within the register.

Fire and Rescue Service Operational Statistics

This annual bulletin contains fire and rescue authorities’ personnel statistics, numbers of injuries to firefighters, and statistics relating to fire safety audits of buildings and to community...

Fire and Rescue Service Operational Statistics

Statistics relating to the operational issues affecting fire and rescue services in England. It includes information on personnel, equality and diversity, health and safety, and operational...

Fire and Rescue Service operational statistics

This annual bulletin contains fire and rescue authorities’ personnel statistics, numbers of injuries to firefighters, and statistics relating to fire safety audits of buildings and to community...

e-Search operated by Iron Mountain

Indexing system used by Iron Mountain

IMPReS/Wisdom operated by Iron Mountain

Indexing system for former British Coal records, including individual employment records

GPS operational project delivery plans

Project plans that are used to deliver GPS business

Bus Service Operators Grant Files

Hard copy paper records holding details of operators' Bus Service Operators Grant claims, both current and previous.

Bus Service Operators Grant Claims

Database held on ETHOS used to calculate Bus Service Operators Grant for payment to bus operators. Operator details held are company address, vendor number, contact telephone number and email...

Student visitors

Research into the student visitors route which allows people to visit the UK for up to six months to undertake a short course of study. The research investigates who is using this growing...