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151 results found

Bus Stops

Data showing geographic locations of all bus stops within the Plymouth boundary.

Sunderland Bus Stops

Definative list of all bus stops across the Sunderland Area. Details include; name of stop, direction, street name & last recorded change.

Mobile Library stops

Mobile library stops in Barnet. It contains the location and timing for mobile library stops. For more information, please see our website.

Stop Smoking Services

NHS Stop smoking services at Levels 1 to 3. 1 -Voucher Scheme 2 - Stop Smoking Service 3 - [Yorkshire Smoke Free Calderdale]( Contains...

Bus stops

Location of bus stops owned by Barrow Borough Council. Locations are recorded as a point. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End...

One Stop Shops

A list of One Stop Shops in Warwickshire, including contact details

Translink Bus Stop List

This data contains a list of all Metro and Ulsterbus Bus Stops across Northern Ireland. It includes all real and virtual bus stops.

Metrolink Stop Facilities

Details of the facilities at Metrolink stops including accessibility information, car and cycle parking

Stop and Search

Stop and search data presented here are taken from the annual Home Office Statistics release ‘Police Powers and Procedures, England and Wales 2012/13’, and cover stops and searches conducted by...

Rochford Bus Stops

This dataset shows the location of Bus Stops within the Rochford District. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence –...

Proposed NET Stop (Indicative)

Net stop proposed within the City Centre close to Broadmarsh and the new college site.

Bus Stops in Perth & Kinross

Bus stop locations in Perth and Kinross. The bus stop data is collected by Perth and Kinross Council and shared with the Department of Transport as part of the national public transport access nodes

Bus stops and schedules

Bus and Metrolink stop and time data for all services within the Greater Manchester boundary. Known technically as "ATCO-CIF".

Stop and search by ethnicity

The data shows: * the number of stop and searches for different ethnic groups in England and Wales * how many stop and searches there were for every 1,000 people in each ethnic group (the...

Stop and Search Statistics 2017/18

Stop and Search is an operational tool used to prevent, detect and investigate crime as well as to bring offenders to justice. Police officers have a legal power to stop and search members of the...

Stop and Search Statistics 2016/17

Stop and Search is an operational tool used to prevent, detect and investigate crime as well as to bring offenders to justice. Police officers have a legal power to stop and search members of the...

Stop and Search Statistics 2018/19

Stop and Search is an operational tool used to prevent, detect and investigate crime as well as to bring offenders to justice. Police officers have a legal power to stop and search members of the...

GM Bus Stopping Points

Location data for bus stopping points in Greater Manchester. Last Updated: 10 March 2020 Please acknowledge the source of this information using the following attribution statement: Contains...

Mobile Library Stops

Mobile Library Stops in York. For further information please visit [explore York]( *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a...

Bus Stops in York

Bus Stops in York. *Please note that the data published within this dataset is a live API link to CYC's GIS server. Any changes made to the master copy of the data will be immediately reflected in...