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2007 Natural England Lundy Survey

Survey name: 2007 Natural England Lundy Survey This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine environments. The survey purposes vary and include recommended...

Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (England)

AONBs are designated areas where protection is afforded to protect and manage the areas for visitors and local residents. Under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, Natural England has the...

EWCO - Nature Recovery - Priority Habitat Network

Spatial data supporting the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) additional contribution targeting for Nature Recovery, where the layer indicates ‘Premium’, ‘Higher’ and ‘Lower’ priority areas...

Natural England Joint Nature Conservation Committee official briefings

Ministerial and senior official briefings prepared by the team. Providing an audit trail of the advice to ministers

Cambridgeshire County Council HGV Environmental Weight Limits

Environmental weight restrictions within Cambridgeshire applying to roads or areas of roads identified as being unsuitable for heavy goods vehicles (HGVs).

Child Healthy Weight Interventions Statistics

Annual update of the number of child healthy weight interventions undertaken by NHS boards. This data is used to monitor HEAT Targets. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services...

CPI and RPI Index: Updating Weights

The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) and the Retail Prices Index (RPI) measure the changes from month to month in the cost of a representative 'basket' of goods and services bought by consumers within...

Low birth weight live births

This dataset contains counts of low birth weight (less than 2500 grams) live births occurring in the calendar year in England and Wales to mothers usually resident in England and Wales. Source:...

2013 Natural England Habitat Mapping Padstow

Subtidal Habitat Mapping from multibeam data. Maritime and Coastguard Agency survey (various contractors), no groundtruthing.

Natural England Survey Licence Returns Data

This data set has been produced from details submitted to Natural England in licence returns associated with Science & Conservation/Research licences and Class Survey Licences. The data set...

Natural England National Priority Focus Areas

Natural England's focus areas for each Area Team. The focus areas are typically where Natural England (NE) are targeting more than one delivery programme. So these areas are the key opportunities...

Local Nature Recovery Strategy Areas (England)

This is a spatial dataset that describes the geographic extent and location of the 48 Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) areas for the whole of England and the Responsible Authorities for each...

Natural Capital County Atlas Mapping (England)

This spatial dataset is an output of the Natural England County & City Natural Capital Atlas project (July 2020). It shows variation in ecosystem service flow for habitats across England, based...

Natural History Museum Disclosure of Expenses and Hospitality

Reports showing expenses and hospitality received by the Trustees and Executive Directors of the Natural History Museum

The Natural History Museum expenditure over £25,000

Reports showing transactions made by the Natural History Museum for amounts in excess of £25,000.

2005 English Nature The Dee Estuary Biotope Survey

A Natural England commissioned survey conducted by the Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Studies (IECS). The survey aimed to standardise fauna, and the information for mud/sand habitats and...

2013 Natural England Verification Survey of Cumbria Coast

A Natural England commissoined verification survey of both intertidal sediments and intertidal rocky reef within the Cumbria Coast rMCZ. Phase I Biotope mapping was carried out across the rMCZ for...

2013 Natural England Habitat Mapping of Thanet Coast

Subtidal Habitat Mapping from multibeam data. Maritime and Coastguard Agency survey (various contractors), no groundtruthing.

2001-2011 Natural England, Wash pup counts.

Survey name: 2001-2011 Natural England, Wash pup counts. This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine environments. The survey purposes vary and include...

South East Accessible Natural Greenspace (ANGSt) Model

For the south east region, partitions all land into the number of Accessible Natural Greenspace Standard (ANGSt) that the land meets (0 - 4). 2007. Vector shapefile.