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British Geological Survey (BGS) ECORD Geophysical and Geotechnical Hazard Site Survey 2013/4_ECORD: Offshore Progreso, Yucatan, Mexico (16/Apr/2013 to 23/Apr/2013)

The aims of the cruise (cruise number 2013/4_ECORD) were to acquire high resolution geophysical data (multibeam echosounder, side scan sonar, surface tow boomer, magnetometer and CHIRP) and...

Quantification of selected antimicrobial resistance genes in pig faeces on a British commercial pig farm during a typical production cycle

The data presented are quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) read outs from antimicrobial resistance gene (AMRG) assays and associated metadata from this project. In this dataset, the mean...

Mineral chemistry and BSE-SEM images (NERC grant NE/M014584/1)

Chemical analysis of pyroxenes and BSE-SEM images from pumices and lava flows from Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico. Whole rock isotope data from pumices and lava flows from Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico.

Ash and gas data from 2013 activity at Volcán de Colima, México (NERC grant NE/L000741/1)

This dataset (1.5 GB) comprises SO2 emission data (SO2 camera and DOAS) of parts of the active 2013 phase from Colima, as well as Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images and microprobe data of...

Bayesian age-depth model for sediment core of Lake Chalco, Mexico (40-0 kcal BP) (NERC Grant NE/S009035/1)

A Bayesian age-depth model was constructed of the radiocarbon dates of the MexiDrill composite core. The age-depth model was produced using rbacon (Blaauw and Christen 2011, Bayesian Analysis 6(3):...

Radiocarbon dates of sediment slices from the MexiDrill core of Lake Chalco, Mexico (40-0 kcal BP) (NERC Grant NE/S009035/1)

The MexiDrill core was dated using a range of methods, including radiocarbon. Samples of sediment were pretreated (acid-only) at the 14CHRONO Centre according to established protocol, and measured...

Stable isotope, sedimentological and geochemical data from Holocene lake-sediment core YC2 from Yaal Chac, Mexico (NERC Grant NE/K00610X/1)

Dataset contains an interannual to sub centennial resolution record of carbonate oxygen and carbon isotopes, bulk sediment geochemistry and sedimentology from a 2.95 metre-long core (YC2) from Yaal...

Geochemical data from sediments and porewaters of shallow sediment cores from hydrothermal seeps in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California

The dataset includes organic carbon and nitrogen isotope data, as well as elemental abundance data from marine sediments that were obtained by push corers from hydrothermal seeps in the modern...

Volcanic flank collapse: diversity of behaviour, hazard generation and controls on volcano evolution (NERC Grant NE/I02044X/2)

The data is provided as a single spreadsheet containing geochemical information from three volcanoes (Antuco, Chile; Jocotitlan, Mexico; Montserrat), all of which have been affected by major debris...

Water isotope data from Yaal Chac (lake), nearby groundwater and local precipitation (NERC grant NE/K00610X/1)

Surface waters and shallow groundwater samples were collected by completely filling 30 mL polyethylene bottles, which were then sealed with electrical tape to minimise the risk of evaporative loss....

Half hourly fluxes of sensible heat, latent energy and carbon, observed by eight eddy covariance towers in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert, North America, 2018-2019

Half-hourly data from eight eddy covariance towers deployed in the Sevilleta Refuge (New Mexico, USA). The main sensors deployed were sonic anemometer, relative humidity sensor and carbon dioxide...

Data from Chicxulub crater (NERC grant NE/P006736/1)

Cell count data from the Chicxulub crater. Grant abstract: The deep subsurface is recognised to be an environment that supports a large and diverse microbial biosphere, and yet we still know very...

Built Address

The Built Address Feature Type represents local authority addresses that are currently built and live and can typically receive mail, deliveries, or services. For example, homes, shops, schools and...

Risk Support System database

Risk and Intelligence Service database which holds a list of the risked based enquiries and cases to be worked by compliance officers (typically in Local Compliance). Updated: ad hoc. Data...

Risk Support System database

Risk and Intelligence Service database which holds a list of the risked based enquiries and cases to be worked by compliance officers (typically in Local Compliance). Updated: ad hoc. Data...

Micro-structural images and analysis of Chicxulub Peak Ring material and Numerical Simulation Data of the Chicxulub Impact (NERC grant NE/P011195/1)

The data within this repository contains results from IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 which drilled the Peak Ring of the Chicxulub Crater, offshore Mexico. The offshore phase of this expedition occurred...

Geomagnetic Observatory Year Books.

Collection of annual publications from the global network of magnetic observatories. They typically contain tabulations of hourly, monthly and annual mean values of the geomagnetic elements....

Modelling data for assessing potential of available minerals and reactor schemes (NERC Grant NE/P01982X/1)

The data set contains two separate items: (1) Global carbon dioxide removal potential of mine tailings, which includes (a) List of selected silicate-hosted mine tailings (classified by their...

National Curriculum Assessments at Key Stage 1 in England

Provides information on the achievements of eligible pupils (typically 7 year olds) in the National Curriculum assessments at Key Stage 1 (KS1). Source agency: Education Designation: National...

Local Centres

The location of local retail centres within Nottingham City. These include a range of small shops of a local nature, serving a small catchment. Typically, local centres might include, amongst...