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517 results found

Fladen experimental fishing impact recovery data - 4m Beam Trawl

Total count and biomass in grams of taxa identified from 4m beam trawl samples of the seabed, with associated station information. Samples were collected from three experimental treatment boxes...

South Western Beam Trawl Survey, Qtr 1 (FSS: Q1SWBEAM)

Annual research vessel surveys in the Western English Channel using 4m beam trawls in support of EU data regulations and as part of an ICES funded research program. Randomly selected survey...

South Western Beam Trawl Survey, Qtr 1 (FSS: Q1SWBEAM)

Annual research vessel surveys in the Western English Channel using 4m beam trawls in support of EU data regulations and as part of an ICES funded research program. Randomly selected survey...

Water Body Measures Roding, Beam and Ingrebourne

Water body measures are the actions which will be taken on the ground to help achieve water body objectives. They are brought about by a range of legal, policy or financial mechanisms and involve...

Water Body RNAGS Roding, Beam and Ingrebourne

Water body reasons for not achieving good status (RNAGS) identify the pressures that are impacting the status classification of water bodies. Reasons for deterioration (RFDs) identify the...

Fladen experimental fishing impact recovery data 2015 - 2m Beam Trawl

Total count and biomass in grams of taxa identified from 2m beam trawl samples of the seabed, with associated station information. Samples were collected using a 2m scientific beam trawl at...

Fladen experimental fishing impact recovery data 2015 - 2m Beam Trawl

Total count and biomass in grams of taxa identified from 2m beam trawl samples of the seabed, with associated station information. Samples were collected using a 2m scientific beam trawl at...

Raw beam trawl data from Bassurelle Sandbanks cSAC/SCI

Raw beam trawl data from Bassurelle Sandbanks SCI (CEND 03/13). This survey was carried out at Bassurelle Sandbank SCI on the Cefas Endeavour research vessel to collect additional information...

Survey : CEND 6/08 (part of South Western Beam Trawl Survey, Qtr 1 (FSS: Q1SWBEAM))

This survey was undertaken by Cefas as part of the South Western Beam Trawl Survey, Qtr 1 (FSS: Q1SWBEAM); Annual research vessel surveys in the Western English Channel using 4m beam trawls in...

Water Body Status Classification Roding, Beam and Ingrebourne

Water body status classification data indicates the quality or status of water bodies across a range of different parameters known as quality elements. This dataset includes the classification...

Survey : CEND 5/12 (part of South Western Beam Trawl Survey, Qtr 1 (FSS: Q1SWBEAM))

This survey was undertaken by Cefas as part of the South Western Beam Trawl Survey, Qtr 1 (FSS: Q1SWBEAM); Annual research vessel surveys in the Western English Channel using 4m beam trawls in...

Survey : CEND 8/06 (part of South Western Beam Trawl Survey, Qtr 1 (FSS: Q1SWBEAM))

This survey was undertaken by Cefas as part of the South Western Beam Trawl Survey, Qtr 1 (FSS: Q1SWBEAM); Annual research vessel surveys in the Western English Channel using 4m beam trawls in...

Survey : CEND 6/10 (part of South Western Beam Trawl Survey, Qtr 1 (FSS: Q1SWBEAM))

This survey was undertaken by Cefas as part of the South Western Beam Trawl Survey, Qtr 1 (FSS: Q1SWBEAM); Annual research vessel surveys in the Western English Channel using 4m beam trawls in...

Survey : CEND 5/07 (part of South Western Beam Trawl Survey, Qtr 1 (FSS: Q1SWBEAM))

This survey was undertaken by Cefas as part of the South Western Beam Trawl Survey, Qtr 1 (FSS: Q1SWBEAM); Annual research vessel surveys in the Western English Channel using 4m beam trawls in...

Water Body Status Objectives Roding, Beam and Ingrebourne

Water body status objectives describe the long term aim for specific parts of the water environment. This dataset includes the latest objectives of all water bodies in the Roding, Beam and...

Survey : CEND 5/11 (part of South Western Beam Trawl Survey, Qtr 1 (FSS: Q1SWBEAM))

This survey was undertaken by Cefas as part of the South Western Beam Trawl Survey, Qtr 1 (FSS: Q1SWBEAM); Annual research vessel surveys in the Western English Channel using 4m beam trawls in...

Survey : CEND 2/13 (part of South Western Beam Trawl Survey, Qtr 1 (FSS: Q1SWBEAM))

This survey was undertaken by Cefas as part of the South Western Beam Trawl Survey, Qtr 1 (FSS: Q1SWBEAM); Annual research vessel surveys in the Western English Channel using 4m beam trawls in...

Survey : CEND 5/09 (part of South Western Beam Trawl Survey, Qtr 1 (FSS: Q1SWBEAM))

This survey was undertaken by Cefas as part of the South Western Beam Trawl Survey, Qtr 1 (FSS: Q1SWBEAM); Annual research vessel surveys in the Western English Channel using 4m beam trawls in...

Beam Park Reserved Matters application

English Channel Beam Trawl Survey (VIId and IVc), Qtr 3 (FSS: BTS7D)

Station, catch, length (all species) and biological data (selected species) for each of the annual surveys covering the Southern North Sea and Eastern English Channel using research vessels and...