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111 results found

Autism Spectrum Disorders in adults living in households throughout England

A Clinical Evaluation of the Diagnosis of Autistic Disorder in the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey - a technical study to help establish methods for studing the epidemiology of autism spectrum...

Friends and Family Test

The responses of maternity patients, and patients who have been treated in an acute setting as inpatients or in A&E, to the question "how likely are you to recommend our ward/A&E...

Sunderland Priority Two Gritting Routes

List of roads classified as priority two gritting routes across the City of Sunderland. These are knows as distributory and important local routes.

NI 043 - Young people within the Youth Justice System receiving a conviction in court who are sentenced to custody.

Young people are those aged 10-17. The young offenders cohort is established during the period January to March and includes all those receiving a pre-court disposal (reprimand or final warning)...

NI 019 - Rate of proven re-offending by young offenders

Young people are those aged 10-17. The young offenders cohort is established during the period January to March and includes all those receiving a pre-court disposal (reprimand or final warning)...

Wiltshire Council - Article 4 Directions

Article 4 directions are made when the character of an area of acknowledged importance would be threatened. They are most common in conservation areas. You will probably know if your property is...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCL08695

Survey name: Marley Knowe (Northumberland M.L.P. ) Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data - scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites surveyed...

Community support organisations

A list of some of the community support organisations in Leeds.  We appreciate this is a fraction of what is actually going on so if you're not on here, please get in touch and we'll add...

% of panel confident they could find information on support available to help people live independently

% of panel confident they could find information on support available to help people live independently. This is a measure of the Talkabout panel members that feel confident they could find...

Food Banks and Free Meal Providers

Food banks/free meal providers and services in Calderdale (that we are aware of). This data only focuses on food, providing data on the organisers, contact and address details and opening...

Cycle Storage

Location and number of cycle storage facilities, including stands, shelters and lockers. Details include: description, number, location, town and geographical co-ordinates.  [Cycle...

Landscape Map of Scotland

The map reflects the great diversity of landscapes within the country, and the regional distinctiveness which that creates. Together with the accompanying descriptions and photographs, the areas...

Animal Licences

Our Environmental Health department is responsible for animal licensing. A licence is required when keeping a Pet Shop, Zoo or Animal Boarding Establishment. This dataset lists the local...

Impact indicator: planning authorities with local plan

Percentage of local planning authorities having an adopted local plan #### How the figure is calculated: It is the number of Local Planning Authorities with an adopted plan as a percentage of...

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) Forest Ownership

This dataset illustrates the acquisitions that have created the NRW Forestry Estate as we know it today. This information is obtained from the Deed Management System which has been designed...

Local authority sct register

Local authorities in Scotland Registers - Registers are lists of information. Each register is the most reliable list of its kind. If you wish to know more about registers, please visit the...

Government organisation register

Government department, agency or teams that exist on GOV.UK Registers - Registers are lists of information. Each register is the most reliable list of its kind. If you wish to know more...

Government service register

Government services that have a government service domain Registers - Registers are lists of information. Each register is the most reliable list of its kind. If you wish to know more about...

Groundwater Vulnerability Maps (2017) on MAGIC

This dataset is available for use for non-commercial purposes only on request as AfA248 dataset Groundwater Vulnerability Maps (2017). For commercial use please contact the British Geological...

London’s post-16 trajectories

As London recovers from the effects of COVID-19, it is vital that we understand the educational pathways for young people and do all we can to support them in their journey. We know that the...