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48 results found

Geophysical Surveys In The Middle And Far East

Data from geophysical surveys carried out by the British Geological Survey in many countries in the Middle East, the Indian sub-continent and Indo-China for different agencies. The surveys range...

Public Rights of Way

Public rights of way shapefile exported from the Exegesis Countryside Access Management System (CAMS). Status field - 1 = Footpath, 2 = Bridleway, 3 = Byway, 9 = Restricted Byway*. The public...

Pliocene Palaeoclimate off Southeastern Africa: Insights from IODP Expedition 361 (NERC grant NE/N020286/1)

The data comprises a multi-proxy dataset of 49 samples spanning approximately the time interval from 1.8-3.9 Ma according to the currently available shipboard age model from offshore the Limpopo...

Magnetotelluric data for the Halloween 2003 magnetic storm in the vicinity of Uppsala and Eskdalemuir geomagnetic observatories (synthesized using geomagnetic observatory data from INTERMAGNET) (NERC Grant NE/P016782/1)

Magnetotelluric data for the Halloween 2003 magnetic storm in the vicinity of Uppsala (UPS), Sweden and Eskdalemuir (ESK), Scotland geomagnetic observatories synthesized from geomagnetic...

Galloway Dark Skies Park

A Dark Sky Park is a place with exceptionally dark night skies, a place where people have committed to keeping those skies dark, by controlling light pollution. In November 2009, the International...

Early Miocene ASEM element maps from IODP Site U1480 (NERC grant NE/P021182/1)

Element maps from 5x 10 cm sections generated using the Zeiss Sigma HD Field Emission Gun Analytical SEM at Cardiff University. Maps come from sections within the early Miocene pelagic interval...

High resolution climate data, Sirsi, Western Ghats, India, 2021-2022

The data comprise high resolution climate measurements including temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, wind gust speed, wind direction and dew point measured in an open space in proximity...

High temporal resolution meteorology and soil physics observations from INCOMPASS land surface stations in India, 2016 to 2018

The dataset contains time series observations of meteorological and soil physics variables logged at one minute time resolution at three Land Surface Stations in India. The three INCOMPASS Land...

Land Cover/Land Use maps (30m) for Shivamogga, Sindhudurg and Wayanad, India, 2018

This dataset contains Land Cover/Land Use (LCLU) maps for Sindhudurg, Shivamogga and Wayanad, India. LCLU products are state-of-the-art statically stable and area weighted accuracy assessed...

Anton Dohrn biotope map

Translated from Anton Dohrn biotope maps showing all Annex I and non-Annex I habitats. Translated to EUNIS by JNCC. Data collected aboard the MV Franklin in July 2009: Acoustics (Multibeam...

Relationship and Entity Extraction Evaluation Dataset (Relations)

This relations dataset was the output of a project aimed to create a 'gold standard' dataset that could be used to train and validate machine learning approaches to natural language processing...

Relationship and Entity Extraction Evaluation Dataset (Entities)

This entities dataset was the output of a project aimed to create a 'gold standard' dataset that could be used to train and validate machine learning approaches to natural language processing...

Relationship and Entity Extraction Evaluation Dataset (Documents)

This document dataset was the output of a project aimed to create a 'gold standard' dataset that could be used to train and validate machine learning approaches to natural language processing...

1994 - 1994 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) RV DISCOVERY 207/1994 Low Resolution Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) Data

The data in this archive were collected from CEFAS (Or DFR) research cruises. These data were collected in the South Indian Ocean. Data were collected using the lowered CTD rosette system which...

1993 - 1993 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) RV DISCOVERY 200/1993 Low Resolution Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) Data

The data in this archive were collected from CEFAS (Or DFR) research cruises. These data were collected in the South Indian Ocean. Data were collected using the lowered CTD rosette system which...

Minerals Programme Geochemistry Database.

The Mineral Reconnaissance Programme (MRP), funded by the DTI (Department of Trade and Industry) carried out baseline mineral exploration in Great Britain between 1972 and 1997. Its main aim was to...

Core Flood Experiments on carbonate rocks

Grant: ACT ELEGANCY, Project No 271498. Medical CT scans for drainage multiphase flow through carbonate rock cores. The steady state drainage multiphase flow at elevated pressure using nitrogen and...

Mg/Ca ratios from multiple species of planktonic foraminifera from the Middle Miocene to modern from multiple sites in the global ocean (NERC Grant NE/N002598/1)

Mg/Ca in multiple species of planktonic foraminifera from five time slices since the Middle Miocene to present (target ages 15, 12.5, 10, 7.5, 4.5, 2.5 and 0 Ma). These samples are from a range of...

Sulphides - Economically important geochemical messengers from the mantle (NERC Grant NE/L010828/1)

The project is aimed at understanding how a number of economically and geologically important chemical elements partition themselves between the silicates of the outer parts of the Earth and...

CO2 efflux and hydraulic data for two Scottish and four Amazonian streams 2011-13

The dataset contains CO2 efflux, hydraulic and water chemistry data from six field sites which vary in location, size and catchment characteristics. Measurements were made at: i) two sites in the...