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769 results found

Emergency Payment Master Listing, Unit Inputs and Journals

Details to ensure correct financial reconciliation

Quality Assurance database

Information used to ensure the consistency and quality of the driving test.

2015 Annual School Places Planning Report Primary- Secondary

Every year, the authority reviews its school places planning projections. This report highlights the 2015 current capacity and pressures within the borough, projected future demand and any likely...

Channel Navigation Information System (CNIS)

System using active radar monitoring to ensure vessel safety in the Dover Strait, Thames Estuary and their approaches.

Mineral Consultation Areas

Minerals Consultation Areas are defined to ensure that the Mineral Planning Authority is aware of and involved in the determination of development proposals which may impact upon identified...

Local Landscape Character Areas

Designated higly valued areas within the London Borough of Hounslow to ensure landscape is not damaged by inappropriate developement. (PHASE 2)

Radiological Monitoring Data

Radioactivity monitoring reports used to ensure that any radiation present in the environment or food chain does not compromise food safety.

NI 196 - Improved street and environmental cleanliness - fly tipping

The definition of fly-tipping used is designed to ensure that the whole spectrum of illegally dumped waste is taken into account.

The special severance payment database

Ensures that completion of the MOD pro-forma to Treasury is consistently applied across the Department and provides lessons learnt for PRG improvement.

Local Landscape Areas - Fife

Dataset provides details of areas where the scenery is highly valued locally and designated to ensure that the landscape is not damaged by inappropriate development. The designations raise...

Tonnage Tax Training Commitment database

List of trainee cadets with number of months they have been training against the Company name to ensure that Companies are fulfilling their training requirements.

Non STEPS (Strategic Transfer of the Estate to the Private Sector) information Contract Timber Procurement Policy

Letters issued to Non-STEPS (Strategic Transfer of the Estate to the Private Sector) contractors to ensure compliance to Government procurement policy for timber. Updated: annually.

Non STEPS (Strategic Transfer of the Estate to the Private Sector) information Contract Timber Procurement Policy

Letters issued to Non-STEPS (Strategic Transfer of the Estate to the Private Sector) contractors to ensure compliance to Government procurement policy for timber. Updated: annually.

Separated Service Planning Tool Centre

Details of Royal Navy and Royal Marines days away from base port to ensure separated service levels not exceeded; matches competencies to positions and highlights course needs

Routing Hazard

These are locations which are hazardous, and caution should be taken to ensure safe travel. Hazards are usually signed using the warning sign through a red triangle.

2016 Annual School Places Planning Report Primary - Secondary

Every year, the authority reviews its school places planning projections for primary and secondary sectors. This latest report highlights the 2016 current capacity and pressures within the borough,...

List of Acceptable Equipment

List of equipment that is acceptable for garages to use by class. It ensures that garages buy approved equipment. VOSA staff use the database and garages use a paper copy.


An area identified in order to ensure consultation between the relevant District Planning Authority, the Minerals Industry and Durham County Council before certain non-mineral planning...

Minerals Safeguarding Areas

inerals are a non-renewable resource, minerals safeguarding is the process of ensuring that non-minerals development does not needlessly prevent the future extraction of mineral resources, of local...

RBKC Parking Bay Locations

This dataset contains a list of all Pay & Display, Blue Badge, Motor Bike, Car Club (both City Car Club and Zip Car) parking bays within the boundaries of the Royal Borough of Kensington and...