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NI 040 - Number of drug users recorded as being in effective treatment

The change in the number of drug users (using crack and/or opiates) in treatment in a financial year, who are still in continuous treatment, who are discharged from the treatment system after 12...

Costs of organised crime

Provides up-to-date estimates of the scale of a range of organised crime types and the social and economic costs associated with these types of organised crime.

Forecast of Vehicle Costs

A model which provides detailed forecasts of vehicle costs to 2050. Data collection ceased.

HR cost to serve

Cost of HR divided by departmental headcount (reported against 2008/9 baseline)

HPI: Effective primary/secondary care

Health Poverty Index - Situation of Health: Effective primary/secondary care Source: Department of Health (DoH), Hospital Episode Statistics (HES), ONS Mid Year Estimates Publisher: Health...

Supporting Communities in Neighbourhood Planning

These tables show areas allocated grant and direct support since 1st May 2013

Survey Compliance Costs to Businesses and Local Authorities

HMRC Survey Compliance Costs To Businesses and Local Authorities - This publication contains statistics of HMRC survey compliance costs Source agency: HM Revenue and Customs Designation: National...

Health Trust Community Services Indicators and Reference Costs 2016-17

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Health Trust Community Services Indicators and Reference Costs 2019-20

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Health Trust Community Services Indicators and Reference Costs 2018-19

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Health Trust Community Services Indicators and Reference Costs 2013-14

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Health Trust Community Services Indicators and Reference Costs 2017-18

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Health Trust Community Services Indicators and Reference Costs 2015-16

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Health Trust Community Services Indicators and Reference Costs 2014-15

Reference Costs provide indicators of the unit costs of providing a range of hospital and community services at trust and hospital level, based on information derived from electronic hospital...

Homes and Communities Agency Housing Statistics

Starts and completions of housing under HCA schemes. Covers England excluding London with the exception of schemes administered by the HCA on behalf of the Greater London Authority, where the...

Building Price and Cost Indices

NB Responsibility for the production of PCIs transferred to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on 1 April 2015. See:...

Special Adviser numbers and costs

The following data sets of special adviser numbers and paybands have been released, they list the names of the special advisers in post at various times, including each special adviser’s pay band,...

Solar PV cost data

Dataset on the cost per kW of solar PV installed by month by financial year. Data is extracted from the Microgeneration Certification Scheme - MCS Installation Database. Official statistics.

Effects of thinning and extraction on advance regeneration of Sitka spruce (Dartmoor 2005)

Extensive damage to and mortality of understorey seedlings during overstorey thinning could prevent the use of natural regeneration as a method of restocking. Experiments carried out on three...

Charitable donations and tax reliefs: Cost of tax relief

Provides annual information on the cost of charitable tax reliefs to the Exchequer. Previously listed under 'Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Charitable donations and tax relief'. Source agency:...