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Digital Terrain Model

A pilot bathymetric LiDAR survey was commissioned in 2021 which mapped the nearshore areas of Dundrum Bay and areas of Carlingford Lough./p>For the pilot bathymetric survey a Rapid Airborne...

2021 NI 3D Coastal Survey - Pilot Bathymetric LiDAR Survey - Digital Terrain Model

A pilot bathymetric LiDAR survey was commissioned in 2021 which mapped the nearshore areas of Dundrum Bay and areas of Carlingford Lough./p>For the pilot bathymetric survey a Rapid Airborne...

2004 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA5 Technical report - Review of the potential impacts of offshore wind farms on migrating and overwintering swans and geese in the SEA5 area (North Sea)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA5) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). A review of the...

Pollinator and pollination service data from the National Pollinator and Pollination Monitoring Framework pilot study from 13 UK crop field sites 2015

This dataset contains data on insects observed visiting flowers of three crops (apples, field beans and oilseed rape) and responses by recorders to a questionnaire asking about their experience...