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Council Constitution for Scarborough Borough Council

No description provided

Council Constitution for Ryedale District Council

Councils are already required to make their Constitution available for inspection at their offices under Section 9P of the Local Government Act 2000. Under the Transparency Code 2014, councils must...

Council Constitution for Hambleton District Council

Councils are already required to make their Constitution available for inspection at their offices under Section 9P of the Local Government Act 2000. Under the Transparency Code 2014, councils must...

Council Constitution for Craven District Council

Councils are already required to make their Constitution available for inspection at their offices under Section 9P of the Local Government Act 2000. Under the Transparency Code 2014, councils must...

Council Constitution for Selby District Council

Councils are already required to make their Constitution available for inspection at their offices under Section 9P of the Local Government Act 2000. Under the Transparency Code 2014, councils must...

Organogram for Arts Council England 2013

A list of most Senior posts in the Arts Council including title and salary range. Vacant posts are listed as "Vacant", and posts where the jobholder is not disclosed are listed as "N/D".

Expenditure data for Arts Council England

List of items of spend over 25k

Arts Council England Staff Data

Information on Senior and Junior posts and salary bands

Official Development Assistance (ODA) British Council

British Council - FCO Official Development Assistance 2012-2013 through the British Council

Council Tax Chargeable Dwellings

This dataset shows the number of dwellings on the council tax valuation list, compiled by the Valuation Office Agency, which are liable to council tax. This excludes those dwellings which are...

Council Tax Benefit (CTB)

Council Tax Benefit (CTB) recipients by County, Local Authority and by tenure. Note: DWP stopped administering Council Tax Benefit (CTB) in...

Council Acquisitions

Asset Acquisitions from 2012.The data will be updated annually.

Council Disposals

Asset Disposals from July 2011.The data will be updated annually.

Council Allotments

Land owned by Council and used as Allotments. Areas recorded are shown as polygons. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User...

Council Constitution

This dataset provides information on the Constitution at Salford City Council. Details are provided to meet the required standards of the Local Government Transparency Code 2014.

Council Properties

Properties and land, other than council housing, owned by Southampton City Council.

Council Allotments

Polygon layer showing council-owned allotment sites and plots within each. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence –...

Decisions of the council

The most recent 15 decisions made by the Cabinet, an individual Member of the Cabinet, a Committee of the Cabinet, or under joint arrangements.

Council printers

A list of Canon printers used at Leeds City Council.

Council budgets

This dataset provides a detailed analysis of the approved budget for Leeds City Council, as agreed by Full Council each year. The data provides an analysis by directorate, summary budget heading...