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5% annual probability outputs with 30% climate change adjustment

Bradford Beck is the largest watercourse running through Bradford city centre. This dataset consists of triangulated areas and has a number of attributes describing various modelling output...

1% annual probability outputs with 30% climate change adjustment

Bradford Beck is the largest watercourse running through Bradford city centre. This dataset consists of triangulated areas and has a number of attributes describing various modelling output...

0.1% annual probability outputs with 30% climate change adjustment

Bradford Beck is the largest watercourse running through Bradford city centre. This dataset consists of triangulated areas and has a number of attributes describing various modelling output...

Price Adjustment Formulae for Construction Contracts

Used in conjunction with the formulae price adjustment method of adjusting building and civil and specialist engineering contracts. These statistics are now produced by BCIS and can be found on...

Quality Adjustment for Public Service Education

Presentation and discussion of a range of alternative methods of quality adjustment for publically provided education Look at measures based on inspection results, pupil-teacher ratios, threshold...

Housing Supply Net additions - Census Adjustment

Housing Supply - Census Adjustement

Quality Adjusted Labour Input (experimental)

Quality-adjusted labour input (QALI) is a measure of labour input to economic production which takes account of the composition of the workforce as well as the volume of hours worked. It provides a...

Review of hedonic quality adjustment in UK consumer price statistics and internationally

Hedonic quality adjustment was first introduced in the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) in 2003 for PCs. Since then the use of hedonics has expanded in UK consumer price statistics to include a further...

Pay adjustment tables - Tables A

Monthly and Weekly tables used to manually calculate free pay for tax codes with the suffix L, P, T or Y (not NT) and to work out additional pay for tax codes with prefix K.

Adjustments for Measured Term Contracts

The monthly Updating Percentages may be used as a contractual basis for the reimbursement of increased costs on measured term contracts let on all PSA Schedules of Rates or other forms of...

1% annual probability extents with 30% climate change adjustment

Bradford Beck is the largest watercourse running through Bradford city centre. This dataset consists of a multipart polygon describing the spatial extents of modelled flooding for a rainfall event...

5% annual probability extents with 30% climate change adjustment

Bradford Beck is the largest watercourse running through Bradford city centre. This dataset consists of a multipart polygon describing the spatial extents of modelled flooding for a rainfall event...

Output Areas

Super Output Areas-Lower (LSOA), Super Output Areas-Middle (MSOA), Census Output Areas (OA). More ONS 2011 Boundaries can be found here. Boundaries for these geographies have been generalised (to...

0.1% annual probability extents with 30% climate change adjustment

Bradford Beck is the largest watercourse running through Bradford city centre. This dataset consists of a multipart polygon describing the spatial extents of modelled flooding for a rainfall event...

Census 1991 - Output Areas

NRS first created Output Areas (OAs) for the 1991 Census to allow comparability with small area statistics output from 1971 and 1981. NRS used postcodes to plan 1981 Census enumeration districts...

Input-Output Analytical Tables

Input-Output (I-O) Analytical Tables are derived from the annual Input-Output Supply and Use Tables (SUTs). Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National...

Output in the Construction Industry

Construction output is a monthly estimate of the output of the construction industry in both the private and public sectors. The estimates are a key component of Gross Domestic Product. Source...

Input-Output Analyses

Input-Output Annual Supply and Use Tables (I-O SUTs) and various other analyses, which contain details of the components of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the United Kingdom (UK), as measured...

Census 1991 - Output Area Centroids

This dataset shows the 1991 Census Output Areas (OAs) Household Weighted Centroids. An individual Output Area generally covers a sufficiently small area (subject to meeting minimum population /...


Population and Household projections for all English local authorities as well as national projections for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. This dataset contains detailed population outputs...