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Scottish Ferry Ports

This dataset represents passenger and vehicle ferry ports in Scotland. These are the start and end terminals for the Scottish Ferry Routes dataset. It was initially created for use within the...

2017, Zennor Petroleum Ltd, Finlaggan Rig Site Survey and Pipeline Route Survey, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number GS_575

An oil and gas industry semi-sub rig, pipeline, environmental site survey acquired under licence P2013 between June and July 2017. The block numbers traversed were 21/5, 22/1, 15/30.

2013, Royal Haskoning DHV UK Ltd., Skerries Tidal Site, Desk-based Assessment of Cable Route 3 and Landfall L3

SeaGeneration (Wales) Ltd. has appointed Royal HaskoningDHV (RHDHV) to undertake a desk-based assessment of the effects on the coastal and sea bed physical processes and geomorphology of a...

2006, EMU Ltd., Race Bank and Docking Shoal Offshore Wind Farms, Macrobenthic Ecology Surveys of the Associated Cable Route Corridor

In support of the planned Round 2 offshore wind farm developments at the Greater Wash Strategic Area, Centrica Renewable Energy Ltd. (CREL) commissioned Emu Ltd. (Emu) to undertake...

2007, Wessex Archaeology, Race Bank, Docking Shoal and Lincs Offshore Wind Farm (Wash) Cable Route Corridor, Archaeological Assessment

This project was produced by Centrica’s archaeological consultants, Wessex Archaeology, in April 2007. Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake an archaeological assessment upon the...

2005, Osiris Projects, Gunfleet Sands 1 and 2 Offshore Wind Farm: Volume 3b: Main Cable Route Geophysical Survey

On the instructions of RPS Energy, acting on behalf of GE Gunfleet Limited, Osiris Projects were commissioned to carry out marine geophysical surveys over two adjacent proposed offshore wind farm...

2011, Brown and May Marine Ltd, Zone 3 Dogger Bank Tranche A and Proposed Cable Route, Pelagic Fish Characterisation Survey

The following report details the findings of the September 2011 pelagic fish characterisation survey, undertaken in the vicinity of the Tranche A and along the proposed export cable corridor...

2001-2011, Entec, Robin Rigg Offshore Wind Farm, Benthic grabs for macro invertebrates along the cable route and main site

Benthic surveys were carried out for macro invertebrates along the cable route.

2005, Osiris Projects, Gunfleet Sands 1 and 2 Offshore Wind Farm, Volume 3a: West Cable Route Geophysical Survey

On the instructions of RPS Energy, acting on behalf of GE Gunfleet Limited, Osiris Projects were commissioned to carry out marine geophysical surveys over two adjacent proposed offshore wind farm...

2006, Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies (CMACS), Burbo Bank Offshore Wind Farm, Pre-Construction Photographic Cable Route Survey

A photographic survey was undertaken specifically to meet the requirements of English Nature to monitor areas within the Mersey Estuary and North Wirral Foreshore pSPA following cable plowing works

2005, Osiris Projects, Gunfleet Sands 1 and 2 Offshore Wind Farm: Volume 3c: East Cable Route Geophysical Survey

On the instructions of RPS Energy, acting on behalf of GE Gunfleet Limited, Osiris Projects were commissioned to carry out marine geophysical surveys over two adjacent proposed offshore wind farm...

2006 Shell UK Exploration and Production Ltd Pipeline route survey UKCS Blocks 22/30b to 29/3a Shearwater A to Starling

The survey was conducted along the proposed pipeline route between the existing UKCS 22/30b Shearwater A Platform and the proposed UKCS 29/3a Starling Drill Centre Location.

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Bathymetric Survey HI1226, Deep Water Route C1, (30/06/2007 to 04/06/2007)

Samples and associated geological data are held at the British Geological Survey for Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP), Bathymetric Survey HI1226; Deep Water Route...

2002, BP Exploration, Schiehallion Phase IV, Phase V And Suilven, Pipeline/Cable Route Survey, BGS Reference Number BP02SS0002

An oil and gas industry site survey for a pipeline/cable route acquired under licences P358, P092 between August and September 2002. The block numbers traversed were 204/19 and 204/20.

2007, Stag Energy, Gateway Storage Project, Morecambe Bay Inshore, Pipeline/Cable Route Survey, BGS Reference Number SA06SS0001

An oil and gas industry site survey for a pipeline/cable route acquired in June 2007. The block numbers traversed were 110/4 and 113/29.

2002, Shell UK Ltd, Cleaver Bank High to Clipper PM, Pipeline/Cable Route Survey, BGS Reference Number SH02SS0002

An oil and gas industry site survey for a pipeline/cable route (Cleaver Bank High to Clipper PM) acquired in March 2002. The block numbers traversed were 48/14, 48/15, 48/19, 49/11, 49/12, 49/13,...

EU Project Report: CO2CARE - CO2 Site Closure Assessment Research, Best Practice Guidelines

This report presents a set of pragmatic and workable generic procedures, suggested best practices and other recommendations and observations for the safe and sustainable closure of geological CO2...

2008, Gardline Geosurvey Ltd, Ormonde Offshore Wind Farm, Geophysical Survey

Gardline Geosurvey carried out a cable route survey for Eclipse Energy Company Limited on behalf of Ormonde Energy Limited in Morecambe Bay. The object was to investigate the location of the...

2005, Hydro Soil Services, London Array Offshore Wind Farm, Offshore Ground Investigation

Gardline Geosciences was contracted by Hydro Soil Services to perform a geotechnical survey along the proposed cable route from landing point 1 to the proposed substation at the wind farm site. The...

Bradford gritting

Bradford has a priority network that we monitor and grit; this includes bus routes, roads that carry the highest amount of traffic and includes access to hospitals and schools. During especially...