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10,068 results found

London Annual Education Report 2014

Second annual educational performance report for London. Go to...

London Annual Education Report 2015

Third annual educational performance report for London. Go to [](/annual-education-report-2015) to see the data behind the report.

OPDC Gender Pay Gap Report

As part of the Mayor’s commitment to publish a gender pay audit for the Greater London Authority and its functional bodies, the OPDC has produced a [Gender Pay Audit...

Communal Heating Consumer Survey Report

The Communal Heating Consumer Survey was conducted in October 2017 to collect feedback from consumers on their views on the quality and satisfaction of the communal heating scheme which provides...

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Mobility Report

**_Due to changes in the collection and availability of data on COVID-19, this website will no longer be updated. The webpage will no longer be available as of 11 May 2023. On-going, reliable...

York Explore Reports - 2021/2022

York Explore reports for financial year 2021/2022. For other years please check [__York Explore...

York Explore Reports - 2022/2023

York Explore reports for financial year 2022/2023. For other years please check [__York Explore...

York Explore Reports - 2020/2021

York Explore reports for financial year 2020/2021. For other years please check [__York Explore...

York Explore Reports - 2019/2020

York Explore reports for financial year 2019/2020. For other years please check [__York Explore...

CYC Internal Audit Reports 2019

These reports are presented to the Audit and Governance Committee for consideration, and are also included with the agenda papers for the [relevant...

Rough sleeping in London (CHAIN reports)

Information   ------------- These published reports present information from the multi-agency database Combined Homelessness and Information Network (CHAIN), about people seen rough sleeping by...

GRAFFITI - Number of offensive issues reported

GRAFFITI - Number of offensive issues reported

Street Lighting - Number of issues reported

Street Lighting - Number of issues reported

STREET CLEANING - Number of issues reported

STREET CLEANING - Number of issues reported

DOG BINS - Number of issues reported

DOG BINS - Number of issues reported

% of businesses reporting that they were treated fairly

% of businesses reporting that they were treated fairly

FLY-TIPPING - Number of issues reported

FLY-TIPPING - Number of issues reported

LITTER BINS - Number of issues reported

LITTER BINS - Number of issues reported

% of businesses reporting that contact with officers was helpful

% of businesses reporting that contact with officers was helpful

% of businesses reporting that the information provided was useful

% of businesses reporting that the information provided was useful