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2,966 results found

Teacher Assessments at Key Stage 2 and 3

Achievements of eligible pupils in National Curriculum teacher assessments at Key Stage 2 (KS2) and Key Stage 3 (KS3). This typically represents 11 year olds at KS2 and 14 year olds at KS3. The...

Improved methodology for producing estimates of adult educational attainment from Labour Force Survey data

A final report on statistical research into measuring adult educational attainment using the Labour Force Survey. Source agency: Business, Innovation and Skills Designation: Supporting...

Warm Front data

For the last decade, the Warm Front Scheme was Government's key scheme to tackle fuel poverty. It closed in 2012/13. It provided grants to vulnerable consumers for heating and insultation...

Index of Services (Northern Ireland)

General measure of changes in output of service sector industries. Source agency: Enterprise, Trade and Investment (Northern Ireland) Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

NI 156 - Number of households living in temporary accommodation

This indicator measures the numbers of households living in temporary accommodation. Temporary accommodation under homelessness provisions - The duty owed to a household accepted by a local housing...

Great British Insulation Scheme

Data to monitor the installation of energy efficiency measures in domestic properties via the Great British Insulation Scheme (GBIS). First 3 releases were based on TrustMark data; subsequent...

Household income by ethnicity

The data measures the weekly income before tax of households from different ethnic groups in the UK. It includes the total income of everyone who lives in the household. The data comes from the...

HBAI Children In Low Income Families Local Measure Aug-12 ( Sep-14)

HMRC statistics used in Households Below Average Income statistics and gives local (LA) results.

Passenger journeys on local bus services (Not comparable with CAN031/CAN032 - DfT measure - BUS0109a)

Passenger journeys on local bus services (Not comparable with CAN031/CAN032 - DfT measure - BUS0109a)

% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service outlets) - Haxby Village

% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service outlets) - Haxby Village

% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service outlets) - Monks Cross

% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service outlets) - Monks Cross

% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service outlets) - City Centre

% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service outlets) - City Centre

% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service outlets) - Clifton Moor

% of vacant premises (local measure including retail, recreation and service outlets) - Clifton Moor

NI 001 - Percentage of people who believe people from different backgrounds get on well together in their local area

People who believe people from different backgrounds get on well together in their local area. The indicator aims to measure the economic and cultural benefits of diversity are experienced by...

Trends in populations of selected butterfly species - UK

These indicators on butterflies in the United Kingdom contribute to a suite of indicators in the UK Biodiversity Indicators. Early data availability allows their release ahead of that...

Pupil attainment by Ethnic Group: GCSE Average Points Score

GCSE and Equivalent: Average Point Scores and associated value added measures for young people by ethnic group. The dataset includes the total number of 15 year old pupils taking GCSE and...

HPI - Trust in neighbours

Health Poverty Index - Root Causes: Levels of social capital: Trust in neighbours Source: Department of Health (DoH), Health Survey for England 2001, Joint Survey Unit of the National Centre for...

Life expectancy at birth

The indicator measures the change in Life expectancy at birth in Working Neighbourhood Fund (WNF) areas which are also Spearhead areas. Source agency: Communities and Local...

NI 191 - Residual household waste per head

Indicator measuring the number of kilograms of household waste collected that is not sent for reuse, recycling or is not composted or anaerobic digestion per head of the population. This includes...

Flood Plan Explorer

The Flood Plan Explorer is an online map-based system designed to hold measures associated with the Flood Risk Management Plans. The measures can contain both text and spatial data. Measures can be...