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464 results found

HydEF (Hydrological extremes and feedbacks in the changing water cycle) project: Thames catchment daily weather data (NERC grant NE/I006656/1)

This is a daily weather dataset that was produced to support hydrological modelling of the Thames catchment including use of the JULES land surface model . It contains...

North Sea Interactive: a decision:-support tool to guide environmental monitoring by the oil and gas industry

The North Sea Interactive (NSI) project was an 8-month NERC funded project led by Heriot-Watt University, in collaboration with the BGS and NOC. The aim of the project was to develop a new...

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical and Multibeam Survey 2005/5_MESH: North Channel/Rockall Trough; CD174 (11/Aug/2005 to 08/Sep/2005)

This marine geophysical and multibeam survey took place in August and early September 2005 off the west coast of Scotland on board the RSS Charles Darwin (Cruise CD174) as part of the Mapping...

Article 4 Direction

An Article 4 Direction is made by a Local Planning Authority and confirmed by the Government. It serves to restrict Permitted Development rights usually in Conservation Areas. The aim of an Article...

Article 4 Directions

An Article 4 Direction is made by a Local Planning Authority and confirmed by the Government. It serves to restrict Permitted Development rights usually in Conservation Areas. The aim of an Article...

2005 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA6 Technical Report - Conservation (Irish Sea)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA6) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). An integral element...

Source apportionment of annual nutrient and sediment loads to rivers in England and Wales, from the SEPARATE framework

Estimates of discharged loads of nitrogen, phosphorous and fine-grained sediments to rivers in England and Wales from multiple sector sources, reported at Water Framework Directive catchment scale,...

GlaciStore: pre-proposal to IODP, UK CCS RC, Call 1 (31 March 2014)

Pre-proposal for scientific drilling 'GlaciStore: Understanding Late Cenozoic glaciation and basin processes for the development of secure large-scale offshore CO2storage (North Sea)', submitted to...

21st Century Exploration RoadMap (21CXRM) Palaeozoic Petroleum Systems Analysis Project: Overview Regional Structural, Palaeogeography and Poster Products

GIS versions of a regional structural summary and palaeogeographic reconstructions describing the Palaeozoic geology of parts of the UK offshore and onshore, plus a set of summary posters and a...

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) MCZ: North West Jones Bank: Multibeam, Benthic Sampling and Video survey NWJB_CEND1012: Western Channel & Celtic Sea (11/07/2012 to 12/07/2012)

A seabed survey for the purpose of habitat identification and mapping at the North West of Jones Bank recommended Marine Conservation Zone (rMCZ) site, west of Cornwall, UK. A supplement to the...

Uturuncu Volcano GPS data from the 2018 and 2022 campaigns (NERC Grant NE/S008845/1)

RINEX files of GPS observations obtained in the Uturuncu volcano and surroundings (Altiplano-Puna Deformation Anomaly) during the November 2018 and November 2022 campaigns. In the 2018 and 2022...

Global ammonia emissions from seabirds

The dataset contains three modelled estimates of global ammonia emissions from seabird colonies, at a spatial resolution of 0.1 degrees latitude/longitude. The model estimates were derived with a)...

shinylight, a light-weight R package to create rich web applications (NERC Grant NE/T001518/1)

The code base for IsoplotR’s graphical user interface (GUI) and its core data processing algorithms are surgically separated from each other. The command-line functionality is grouped in a...

EPSRC Project: DiSECCS - Diagnostic Seismic toolbox for the Efficient Control of CO2 Storage

The year 2011 recorded the highest ever global consumption of energy, estimated at more than 12 billion tonnes of oil equivalent. Because of this, and despite increasingly widespread deployment of...

Traditional Orchards

This is a spatial dataset contain the location of Traditional Orchards sites around Wales. Traditional orchards are listed as a UK BAP priority habitats, which are those habitats that were...

Photosynthesis of Trifolium repens versus Lolium perenne after ozone exposure in solardomes

The dataset consists of ACi (net CO2 assimilation rate, A, versus calculated substomatal CO2 concentration, Ci) curve data from an ozone experiment during which Trifolium repens and Lolium perenne...

Surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a data from Grasmere, 1968 to 2013

This is a long-term monitoring dataset of surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a from weekly to fortnightly sampling at Grasmere in...

Surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a data from Windermere South Basin, 1945 to 2013

This is a long-term monitoring dataset of surface temperature, surface oxygen, water clarity, water chemistry and phytoplankton chlorophyll a from weekly or fortnightly sampling at the South Basin...

Eating biodiversity - ecology data, 2005-2007

The study is part of the NERC Rural Economy and Land Use (RELU) programme. This project investigated the links between quality food production and biodiversity protection by asking the question:...

Environmental Change Network (ECN) monitoring sites view service

This service provides a view of Environmental Change Network (ECN) site locations from which data are collected. There are 12 terrestrial sites and 45 freshwater sites. Sites range from upland to...