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619 results found

Sweet potato leaf stomatal conductance, leaf chlorophyll content, and tuber yield after exposure to three ozone concentrations in heated glasshouses, UK, 2019-2021

The data comprises physiological and yield measurements from an ozone (O3) exposure experiment, during which three varieties of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) were exposed to Low, Medium and High...

Species point records from 1988 OPRU HRE Taf, Tywi & Gwendraeth Estuaries survey

The estuaries of the Taf, Tywi and Gwendraeth are known locally as the `Three rivers` as they converge and enter into Camarthen Bay in South West Wales through a common mouth. The rivers drain...

Habitat point records from 1988 OPRU HRE Taf, Tywi & Gwendraeth Estuaries survey

The estuaries of the Taf, Tywi and Gwendraeth are known locally as the `Three rivers` as they converge and enter into Camarthen Bay in South West Wales through a common mouth. The rivers drain...

National Audit of Percutanous Coronary Interventions - 2013 Analyses

National Audit of Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (NAPCI) monitors with a view to drive up an improvement in the quality of care and patient outcomes that receive percutaneous coronary...

Vegetation data from experimental trials to investigate the control of Brachypodium pinnatum at Martin Down National Nature Reserve, UK, 2019-2022

Vegetation data from field surveys undertaken at two experimental trials at Martin Down NNR, to investigate the potential for reducing dense Brachypodium pinnatum cover (experiment 1) and...

Scottish Drugs Misuse Database Initial Assessment Report

Annual Report summarising volume of individuals assessed for specialist drug treatment social and behavioural circumstances of individuals assessed. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS...

Mealworm predation rates in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) plots, Kandista and Ujun Tanjung estates, Indonesia

Data comprise mealworm predation rates measured after 24 hours exposure to invertebrates in mature oil palm (2014), and mature and replanted oil palm (2016-2017) plots as part of a large-scale...

Environmental Permitting Regulations - Waste Sites

A waste management licence is a legal document issued under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. A licence authorises the treatment, keeping or disposal of waste in or on the land. Once we...

Life history, developmental and morphometric data for individual flies from an experiment manipulating larval nutrition in female fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster)

Data on developmental time, fecundity, morphometrics, experimental treatment, mating and sampling from an experiment manipulating larval nutrition in female fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster)....

MQ5: Investment by Insurance Companies, Pension Funds and Trusts

Information about the investment choices of insurance companies, self-administered pension funds, investment trusts, unit trusts and property unit trusts. Reported in this release are quarterly net...

London Elections Results 2008, Borough

Mayoral and London Assembly votes, spoils and turnout. Borough level data is [here]( Election...

National Clinical Audit of Anxiety and Depression Core Audit

National Clinical Audit of Anxiety and Depression Core Audit. Data collected between June and September 2018 and aggregated by Mental Health Trusts in England. The scope of the audit was to look at...

England and Wales - Shellfish Classification Zones of England and Wales

Map of Bivalve mollusc (shellfish) classification zones. Available on Magic, Spire and Cefas website. Bivalve mollusc (shellfish) harvesting areas are classified according to the extent of...

England and Wales - Shellfish Classification Zones of England and Wales

Map of Bivalve mollusc (shellfish) classification zones. Available on Magic, Spire and Cefas website. Bivalve mollusc (shellfish) harvesting areas are classified according to the extent of...

National Early Inflammatory Arthritis Audit (NEIAA)

The purpose of the NEIAA is to improve the quality of care for people living with inflammatory arthritis by measuring care provided to patients against the seven quality statements set out in NICE...

Somatic and physiological data for three-spined sticklebacks, 2005-2008 [Endocrine Disruption in Catchments (EDCAT)]

This dataset comprises characteristics of three-spined stickleback fish including length, weight, sex, condition factor (K-factor), cortisol and glucose concentration, RNA:DNA ratio and...

Outpatient Waiting Times

Details information on the number of patients waiting, and length of time waiting, for a first appointment at a consultant-led outpatient service and integrated clinical assessment and treatment...

Scottish Health and Care Experience Survey

National, NHS Board, CHP and GP practice reports will be published. Survey will cover experiences of local NHS services,outcomes from treatments, experiences of care and support services. Source...

Life history, behavioural and morphometric data for queens and workers from an experiment manipulating costs of reproduction in bumble bee queens (Bombus terrestris)

Data on worker behaviour, experimental treatment and sampling, queen longevity, queen and colony fecundity and queen morphometrics collected for an experiment manipulating costs of reproduction in...

NPCA Annual Report 2016

NPCA Third Annual Report 2016 The National Prostate Cancer Audit is commissioned by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) as part of the National Clinical Audit Programme in...