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England Biodiversity Strategy Indicators

This dataset has now been superseded by the records at: Publication of the England...

Higher Education Statistics for the United Kingdom

Presents an overview of all aspects of higher education in the UK. It draws together data on students, staff and institutional finance, applicants via the Universities and Colleges Admission...

Iraq Polling data

MOD is releasing polling data collected in Iraq between June 2005 and the end of 2006 in order to support decision making during Operation Telic, the UK military contribution to the international...

CSC Annual Reports

CSC Annual Reports to the Secretary of State for International Development

Learning and development portal

British Council - Records of completion of internal training courses

UK Biodiversity Indicators

The indicators developed by the UK Biodiversity Partnership Standing Committee to report on progress towards meeting international goals and targets to stem or slow the rate of biodiversity loss. ...

Defra ODA spend in line with IATI standard

As part of the Government’s Transparency Agenda, all Departments with Official Development Assistance (ODA) allocations are committed to publishing details of how they spend ODA in compliance with...

Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) Consular Management Information Data

This data is now published by The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. These data gives information about the Foreign Office Consular data on Consular services provided to British...

NI 151 - Employment rate

This is the proportion of the working age population (16-59 for females and 16-64 for males) who are in employment according to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) definition. Source:...


British Council - On-line recruitment system with details of vacancies and applications (both internal and external)


This report shows international travel undertaken by DECC Senior Officials at SCS2 (or equivalent) and above. The report includes bookings made through departments’ central booking systems. This...

BIS Senior Officials travel: Quarterly Return

This report shows international travel undertaken by BIS Senior Officials at SCS2 (or equivalent) and above. The report includes bookings made through the department’s central booking system. This...

Strategy for England’s Wildlife and Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity 2020 indicators

The indicators show progress towards the vision set out in the 2002 Strategy. They have also been used to demonstrate progress with international commitments to reduce biodiversity loss under the...

Fuel Poverty Indicator (FPI)

Data on the extent of fuel poverty in England. The Fuel Poverty Indicator (FPI) is a statistical model of fuel poverty based on the 2003 English House Condition Survey (EHCS) and 2001...

Ramsar sites (time series)

Time series data for Ramsar sites. A Ramsar site is the land listed as a Wetland of International Importance under the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl...

Marine Management Organisation Marine Areas Web Feature Service (WFS)

MMO Marine Areas showing geographical areas of jurisdiction within the MMO internally. This dataset replaces MMO 'Regions' or 'Districts'

Marine Management Organisation Marine Areas Web Mapping Service (WMS)

MMO Marine Areas showing geographical areas of jurisdiction within the MMO internally. This dataset replaces MMO 'Regions' or 'Districts'

Marine Management Organisation Marine Areas

MMO Marine Areas showing geographical areas of jurisdiction within the MMO internally. This dataset replaces MMO 'Regions' or 'Districts'.

Prison National Offender Management Information System (p-NOMIS) and Inmate Information System (IIS)

Operational database used in prisons for the management of offenders. It contains offenders' personal details, age group, type of offence(s), type of custody (including those remanded on bail and...

Innovation activities by UK businesses in 2012-2014, 2014-2016 and 2016-2018, by NUTS2 geographic boundaries and Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) area

BEIS analysis of innovation activities by UK businesses, from UK innovation survey (UKIS) 2015, 2017 and 2019 data, by NUTS2 geographic boundaries and Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) area. The...