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VAT based local business units by broad industry group

Counts of local units by broad industry group Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Business Registers Unit (BRU) Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Middle Layer Super Output...

VAT registered enterprises by broad industry group

Counts of enterprises by broad industry group Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Business Registers Unit (BRU) Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Middle Layer Super Output...

VAT registered enterprises by broad industry group in urban areas

Counts of enterprises by broad industry group in areas classified as urban Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Business Registers Unit (BRU) Publisher: Neighbourhood...

VAT registered enterprises by broad industry group in rural areas

Counts of enterprises by broad industry group in areas classified as rural Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Business Registers Unit (BRU) Publisher: Neighbourhood...

Population estimates by broad ethnic group, broad age and sex

This dataset contains estimates of the population by ethnic group and sex Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS): Population and Demography / Ethnic Estimates and Projections Publisher:...

Broad Scale Biotope Mapping of the Isle of May cSAC: intertidal biotopes

As part of the Forth Spatial Study the intertidal and subtidal areas of the Isle of May cSAC, and a surrounding 1km wide buffer zone were surveyed to provide a comprehensive broad scale biotope...

UKSeaMap 2016 broad-scale habitat map and confidence maps

UKSeaMap 2016 has been generated by JNCC and is a by-product of the 2013-2016 activities of the EMODnet Seabed Habitats 2013-2016 consortium. This dataset contains two products: a roughly 100 m*...

Broad Scale Biotope Mapping of the Isle of May cSAC: subtidal lifeforms

As part of the Forth Spatial Study the intertidal and subtidal areas of the Isle of May cSAC, and a surrounding 1km wide buffer zone were surveyed to provide a comprehensive broad scale biotope...


Landscapes with similar patterns of geology, soils, vegetation, land use, settlement and field patterns at the sub-regional scale within County Durham. Data derived from The County Durham...

Admitted to hospital with alcohol-related conditions (Broad): Males, all ages (per 100,000 population)

Admitted to hospital with alcohol-related conditions (Broad): Males, all ages (per 100,000 population)

Admitted to hospital with alcohol-related conditions (Broad): Females, all ages (per 100,000 population)

Admitted to hospital with alcohol-related conditions (Broad): Females, all ages (per 100,000 population)

2000 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Sanday intertidal broad-scale mapping survey

The island of Sanday in the Orkney Islands has a low-lying, indented coastline with extensive rocky shores and headlands broken by long, clean sand beaches and muddy inlets. A large section of the...

2000 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Sanday intertidal broad-scale mapping survey

The island of Sanday in the Orkney Islands has a low-lying, indented coastline with extensive rocky shores and headlands broken by long, clean sand beaches and muddy inlets. A large section of the...

NI 184 - Food establishments in the area which are broadly compliant with food hygiene law

The percentage of food establishments within the local authority area which are broadly compliant with food law. Broadly Compliant is an outcome measure which the FSA has developed, with local...

Hyperspectral data of a submerged tarpaulin at Whitlingham Broad, UK, 2021

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) hyperspectral data collected on 19/08/2021, imagining an artificial 10x10m tarpaulin deployed in Whitlingham broad (Norwich, UK). This dataset was collected in a...

VAT registered businesses: total stock, registrations and de-registrations by broad industry group

Total stock of VAT-registered businesses and number of VAT-registered businesses recorded as registering and de-registering during a calendar year, broken down by broad industry group Source:...

Broad scale survey and mapping of seabed and shore habitats and biota, Papa Stour Shetland.

A survey of habitats and biota within the Papa Stour cSAC Additional information source: ENTEC (1997). Broad scale survey and mapping of seabed and shore habitats and biota, Papa Stour Shetland.

Windfarm Broad Areas of Search

Dataset provides details of windfarm areas of search

Thurrock LDF Employment Broad Location

This dataset forms part of Thurrock Council current development plan. For more information go to Contact Thurrock Council to obtain the GIS data

Thurrock LDF Housing - Broad Location

This dataset forms part of Thurrock Council current development plan. For more information go to Contact Thurrock Council to obtain the GIS data