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548 results found

Habitat point records from 1985 BMNH Kent & Sussex littoral chalk-cliff algal survey

Algal habitats and communities on the chalk cliff coastline of Kent and Sussex were assessed by direct observation. Summarised accounts of the main observations are presented. Due to the geological...

Species point records from 1985 BMNH Kent & Sussex littoral chalk-cliff algal survey

Algal habitats and communities on the chalk cliff coastline of Kent and Sussex were assessed by direct observation. Summarised accounts of the main observations are presented. Due to the geological...

2004 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA5 Technical Report - Archaeology (North Sea)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA5) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). Prehistoric submarine...

UK Audit of Political Engagement

Each Audit measures the nature and extent of political engagement and reveals where views have changed - and where they remain constant. It offers a yearly snapshot of political knowledge and...

Mystery Wreck Project (Flower of Ugie)

Archaeological diving work by HWTMA began on a shipwreck site in the Eastern Solent in 2004 following a report from a fisherman of a net snag on a previously unknown obstruction. Survey between...

Mystery Wreck Project (Flower of Ugie)

Archaeological diving work by HWTMA began on a shipwreck site in the Eastern Solent in 2004 following a report from a fisherman of a net snag on a previously unknown obstruction. Survey between...

Allerdale Gazetteer Streets

Allerdale Gazetteer Streets expressed as polylines. As a second tier authority the polyline is a representation of the street geometry to represent the route and not to type 3 geometry which...

Coastal Physiographic Features - Sound or Strait

This is shapefile shows the coastal physiographic feature sound or strait in the UK. Primarily the This map is an excerpt from UKSeaMap. The majority of the polygons are Scottish sounds with...

Areas of Archaeological Potential

Areas of Archaeological Potential (AAPs) are areas within the historic cores of towns and villages, where, on the basis of current knowledge, it is likely that archaeological remains will be...

Unexplained deaths in infancy, England and Wales

Report on unexplained infant deaths in England and Wales which includes sudden infant deaths and deaths for which the cause remained unknown or unascertained. Source agency: Office for National...

National Archives: Record transfer report

The file shows the data provided by those 21 bodies that transfer 90% of the records sent to The National Archives each year, in A-Z order. The data from the remaining 63 bodies that are included...

National Statistics Quality Review

A series of in-depth methodological reviews. NSQRs complement existing quality assurance practices, providing an additional tool to make sure ONS methods are - and remain - fit for...

Polling Stations in London for 2010 Local & General Elections

Please note, this dataset is currently not complete. Details for all remaining polling stations along with GIS co-ordinates for each station will be added shortly. As of 19/04/2010, there are...

2003 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA4 Technical report - Archaeology (Continental Shelf Area)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA4) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) and discusses the...

Coal outcrops

The coal outcrop identifies where an underground coal seam reaches rockhead, indicating coal that may have been worked at some time in the past. Whilst this dataset highlights areas of probable...

Species point records from 1993 NHM south-east England littoral chalk and greensand survey

A brief littoral survey of chalk shores in south-east England to enable comparisons to be drawn with previous surveys in these areas. No report prepared. NB: Many algal species recorded are not...

Habitat point records from 1993 NHM south-east England littoral chalk and greensand survey

A brief littoral survey of chalk shores in south-east England to enable comparisons to be drawn with previous surveys in these areas. No report prepared. NB: Many algal species recorded are not...

2006 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA7 Technical Report - Maritime (NE Atlantic west of Scotland)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA7) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). The report...

Aberdeen Grit Bins/Boxes

Location of adopted grit boxes throughout the city, along with their type – either glass-fibre or plastic. Note, ACC does not adopt grit boxes that a factor, developer or any other party has put in...

Pig Conditions

Pig condition data collected by Food Standards Agency staff at approved meat establishments as a percentage of pig throughput. The data is aggregated to country level and is shown by month. Pig...