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Residential, nursing and home care: weeks that adults and older groups are supported

The total number of weeks all adult client groups and older people were supported in residential and nursing care during the year (including both permanent and temporary residents) plus the total...

Local Health Boards (April 2019) Names and Codes in WA

This file contains the names and codes for local health boards in Wales as at 1st April 2019.  (File Size - 16 KB) File includes the boundary change between W11000026 - Abertawe Bro Morgannwg...

School Census

The School Census is a statutory data collection for all maintained nursery, primary, secondary, middle-deemed primary, middle-deemed secondary, local authority maintained special and...

Moorland Deep Peat AP Status

The Peat Layer was produced by Natural England (ARM team) during June-October 2008, with the aim of identifying the extent of three classes of peaty soils for the purposes of the Partnership...

World Heritage Sites GIS Data

GIS spatial data for World Heritage Sites and their Buffer Zones, where existing, as inscribed by the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO. World Heritage Sites and their Buffer Zones are defined by...

School Workforce Census

The School Workforce Census is a statutory data collection for all maintained nursery, primary, secondary, middle-deemed primary, middle-deemed secondary, local authority maintained special and...

Species point records from 1990 NRA Faversham Creek survey

The 1990 Rivers Survey includes a quality classification of estuaries to provide a simple assessment of estuarine quality based on dissolved oxygen, aesthetic criteria, and simple biological...

Species point records from 1990 NRA Milton Creek (Kent) survey

The 1990 Rivers Survey includes a quality classification of estuaries to provide a simple assessment of estuarine quality based on dissolved oxygen, aesthetic criteria, and simple biological...

Habitat point records from 1990 NRA Faversham Creek survey

The 1990 Rivers Survey includes a quality classification of estuaries to provide a simple assessment of estuarine quality based on dissolved oxygen, aesthetic criteria, and simple biological...

Habitat point records from 1990 NRA Milton Creek (Kent) survey

The 1990 Rivers Survey includes a quality classification of estuaries to provide a simple assessment of estuarine quality based on dissolved oxygen, aesthetic criteria, and simple biological...


The Riparia dataset is an accumulation of surveys from riparian habitats, mostly Exposed Riverine Sediments (ERS), such as shingle and sand. A large proportion of the data comes from Environment...

Midlands Heartlands Heathland - Heathland Suitability Areas

This dataset shows areas within the Midlands Heartland Heathland corridor, which, according to their soils and historic habitats, may be suitable for heathland creation. The data provides evidence...

1993 - 1994 School of Biological Sciences, Swansea University, Sedimentary Shores in Poole Harbour, Box core sampling survey

All these records relate to "Dyrynda, Lewis (1994) Sedimentary shores in Poole Harbour: Bait harvesting and other human impacts" A copy of the report is held at English Nature (Dorset Team). ...

University of Bergen (UIB) Geophysical Survey 1996/3: Norwegian Sea (07/07/1996 to 18/07/1996)

This sampling and geophysical survey has been carried out by University of Bergen in collaboration with British Geological Survey (BGS), the survey took place in July 1996 on the North Sea Margin...

Status and trends for individual bird species: Tenth UK Report for Article 12 of the EU Birds Directive (2008-2012)

This dataset summarises the status and trend for 319 bird species in the UK. These data formed part of the Tenth UK Report for Article 12 of the EU Birds Directive (2008-2012). The structure of the...

Species point records from 1990 NRA Chichester Harbour survey

The 1990 Rivers Survey includes a quality classification of estuaries to provide a simple assessment of estuarine quality based on dissolved oxygen, aesthetic criteria, and simple biological...

Species point records from 1990 NRA Newtown Harbour sublittoral survey

The 1990 Rivers Survey includes a quality classification of estuaries to provide a simple assessment of estuarine quality based on dissolved oxygen, aesthetic criteria, and simple biological...

Species point records from 1990 NRA Medina Estuary survey

The 1990 Rivers Survey includes a quality classification of estuaries to provide a simple assessment of estuarine quality based on dissolved oxygen, aesthetic criteria, and simple biological...

Species point records from 1990 NRA Langstone Harbour sublittoral survey

The 1990 Rivers Survey includes a quality classification of estuaries to provide a simple assessment of estuarine quality based on dissolved oxygen, aesthetic criteria, and simple biological...

Species point records from 1990 NRA Hamble Estuary sublittoral survey

The 1990 Rivers Survey includes a quality classification of estuaries to provide a simple assessment of estuarine quality based on dissolved oxygen, aesthetic criteria, and simple biological...