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Long-term monitoring network vegetation survey Lullington Heath LTMNB14

This dataset contains vegetation data collected on Lullington Heath which will help Natural England understand the effects of climate change, air pollution and land management on the natural...

Long-term monitoring network vegetation survey Malham Tarn LTMNB38

This dataset contains vegetation data collected on Malham Tarn which will help Natural England understand the effects of climate change, air pollution and land management on the natural...

Long-term monitoring network vegetation survey Stiperstones LTMNB25

This dataset contains vegetation data collected on Stiperstones which will help Natural England understand the effects of climate change, air pollution and land management on the natural...

Long-term monitoring network vegetation survey The Lizard LTMNB40

This dataset contains vegetation data collected on The Lizard which will help Natural England understand the effects of climate change, air pollution and land management on the natural...

Long-term monitoring network vegetation survey Chippenham Fen LTMNB30

This dataset contains vegetation data collected on Chippenham Fenwhich will help Natural England understand the effects of climate change, air pollution and land management on the natural...

Long-term monitoring network vegetation survey Kielderhead LTMNB35

This dataset contains vegetation data collected on Kielderhead which will help Natural England understand the effects of climate change, air pollution and land management on the natural...

Long-term monitoring network vegetation survey Dark Peak LTMNB41

This dataset contains vegetation data collected on Dark Peak which will help Natural England understand the effects of climate change, air pollution and land management on the natural...

Long-term monitoring network vegetation survey Lindisfarne LTMNB13

This dataset contains vegetation data collected on Lindisfarne which will help Natural England understand the effects of climate change, air pollution and land management on the natural...

Long-term monitoring network vegetation survey Chobham Common LTMNB31

This dataset contains vegetation data collected on Chobham Commonwhich will help Natural England understand the effects of climate change, air pollution and land management on the natural...

Long-term monitoring network vegetation survey Finglandrigg Woods LTMNB11

This dataset contains vegetation data collected on Finglandrigg Wood which will help Natural England understand the effects of climate change, air pollution and land management on the natural...

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) Team Boundaries (Archived 2019)

This is a spatial datasets containing the extent polygons for the Natural Resources Wales team boundaries. The purpose of this data capture is to define boundaries for operational managed...

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) Species Data on the NBN Atlas

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) species data held on the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Atlas. This includes marine, terrestrial and freshwater species records for a variety of taxonomic...

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) Woodland sub-compartment data

The NRW Woodland Sub-compartment Database (SCDB) is to be our authoritative data source, giving us information for recording, monitoring, analysis and reporting which supports...

Working with Natural Processes (WWNP) in Wales: Riparian Woodland Potential

Working with Natural Processes (WWNP) Riparian Woodland Potential is our best estimate of locations where tree planting may be possible on smaller floodplains close to flow pathways, and...

Working with Natural Processes (WWNP) in Wales: Floodplain Reconnection Potential

Working with Natural Processes (WWNP) Floodplain Reconnection Potential is our best estimate of locations where it may be possible to establish reconnection between a watercourse and its...

Sites of Special Scientific Interest (time series)

Time series data for Sites of Special Scientific Interest. A Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) is the land notified as an SSSI under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981), as amended....

Wood-Pasture and Parkland BAP Priority Habitat Inventory for England

Provisional wood-pasture and parkland inventory created during the Natural England Wood-pasture and Parkland Inventory update. Attribution statement: © Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance...

Long-term monitoring network vegetation survey Ingleborough LTMNB12

This dataset contains vegetation data collected on Ingleborough which will help Natural England understand the effects of climate change, air pollution and land management on the natural...

Long-term monitoring network vegetation survey East Dartmoor Woods and Heaths LTMNB29

This dataset contains vegetation data collected on East Dartmoor Woods and Heaths which will help Natural England understand the effects of climate change, air pollution and land management on the...

Long-term monitoring network vegetation survey Roudsea Woods and Mosses LTMNB49

This dataset contains vegetation data collected on Roudsea Wood and Mosses which will help Natural England understand the effects of climate change, air pollution and land management on the natural...