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Woodland Carbon Code Statistics: Data to December 2016

The Woodland Carbon Code is a voluntary standard, initiated in July 2011, for woodland creation projects that make claims about the carbon they sequester (take out of the atmosphere). Woodland...

Woodland Carbon Code Statistics: Data to June 2016

The Woodland Carbon Code is a voluntary standard, initiated in July 2011, for woodland creation projects that make claims about the carbon they sequester (take out of the atmosphere). Woodland...

OS MasterMap® Imagery Layer

The OS MasterMap Imagery Layer is a maintained seamless digital dataset of high-quality 24-bit colour orthorectified aerial photography of Great Britain. It provides vital information that cannot...


MiniScale is a free digital map of Great Britain in a single data file that clearly shows towns and cities, motorways, major roads, railways and airports. Benefits and key features Show customers...

Winter fuel payments data

The Winter Fuel Payment is an annual tax-free payment made to eligible people to help towards their winter heating costs and is paid automatically between November and December each year. This data...

Employment and Support Allowance database

Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) Database contains details of customers claiming ESA, an integrated contributory and income-related allowance for customers claiming benefit on the grounds of...

Woodland Carbon Code Statistics: Data to March 2018

The Woodland Carbon Code is a voluntary standard, initiated in July 2011, for woodland creation projects that make claims about the carbon they sequester (take out of the atmosphere). Woodland...

OS Open Names

A comprehensive dataset of place names, roads numbers and postcodes for Great Britain. Accurate locations Let your customer-facing staff find places quickly when talking to callers. OS Open Names...

Innovation in mapping ecosystem services and understanding the ecosystems approach to the protected site

Report contains data that can be used under Open Government Licence. Main report mostly narrative. 3 technical reports contain data. This project is collaboration with Biodiversity and Ecosystem...

Customer satisfaction on how we work to improve green spaces (%)

Customer satisfaction on how we work to improve green spaces (%) *This indicator is discontinued

ONS Mid-Year Population Estimates - Custom Age Tables

**Excel Age-Range creator for Office for National Statistics (ONS) Mid year population estimates (MYE) covering each year between 1999 and...

% of customers who were satisfied with the overall level of service provided

% of customers who were satisfied with the overall level of service provided

Footfall in Customer Centre - % served within target wait time

Footfall in Customer Centre - % served within target wait time

Customer Service Quarterly KPI Underlying Data 2018-19

This provides the underlying data and volumes behind the reported performance of CSG Customer Service and presented quarterly to the Performance and Contract Management Committee. It is recognised...

Customer Service Quarterly KPI Underlying Data 2019-20

This provides the underlying data and volumes behind the reported performance of CSG Customer Service and presented quarterly to the Performance and Contract Management Committee. It is recognised...

Forestry Statistics - Woodland Carbon Code Statistics

The Woodland Carbon Code is a voluntary standard, initiated in July 2011, for woodland creation projects that make claims about the carbon they sequester (take out of the atmosphere). Woodland...


A dataset of unique identifiers for a wide range of landscape and built environment features, with a generalised location, extracted from OS MasterMap products. A TOID (Topographic Identifier) is...

OS VectorMap™ Local Raster

Keywords: Buildings, Rivers, OSVectorMapLocalColourRaster, OSVectorMapLocalBackdropColourRaster, OSVectorMapLocalBlackAndWhiteRaster OS VectorMap Raster is a GeoTiff, pre-styled version...

OS VectorMap Local

A highly-detailed, customisable, street-level base map, OS VectorMap Local shows fences, building outlines, paths and street names, for the accurate lie of the land. A simple vector dataset at a...

Out of work families with children

Out of work families with children who receive the same level of support as provided by CTC, but where it is paid as child allowances in Income Support or income-based Jobseeker/s Allowance...