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462 results found

SNH Phase 1 habitat surveys (ARCHIVE)

Phase 1 surveys (polygons only) have been made available to download from Natural Spaces on 05/07/2017. Caveat for data usage: this is an archived dataset and is no longer updated or maintained....

Growth, biomass allocation and tissue nutrient concentrations of subtropical and tropical tree seedlings in response to experimental manipulation of soil phosphorus pools

This dataset reports metrics of plant growth, including height, total biomass and the biomass of component plant parts, and percentage root colonisation by mycorrhizas, for tree seedlings of eight...

Enchytraeid worm abundance and delta 13C cholesterol data from Sourhope field experiment site, Scotland, 2000 [NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme]

This dataset comprises enchytraeid worm abundance and Delta 13C values from enchytraeid cholesterol. The data were collected as a component of the NERC Soil Biodiversity Programme, consisting of a...

Quantitative sediment composition predictions for the north-west European continental shelf

Spatial predictions of the fractions of mud, sand and gravel as continuous response variables for the north-west European continental shelf. Mud, sand and gravel fractions range from 0-1 (i.e....

Seawater temperature records for the UK Shelf - 15 - RV Cefas Endeavour FerryBox Monitoring System

This dataset has been extracted as part of an exercise to assemble "all" Cefas Temperature Data and publish it in a Data paper. It is one of 17 Cefas data sources assembled. Ferryboxes are...

2015 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Southern Trench (outer Moray Firth) benthic camera and infaunal grab survey

This benthic habitat survey was carried out by Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) for SNH within the Southern Trench MPA proposal from the vessel RV Endeavour from...

Seawater temperature records for the UK Shelf - 15 - RV Cefas Endeavour FerryBox Monitoring System

This dataset has been extracted as part of an exercise to assemble "all" Cefas Temperature Data and publish it in a Data paper. It is one of 17 Cefas data sources assembled. Ferryboxes are...

Quantitative sediment composition predictions for the north-west European continental shelf

Spatial predictions of the fractions of mud, sand and gravel as continuous response variables for the north-west European continental shelf. Mud, sand and gravel fractions range from 0-1 (i.e....

2015 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Southern Trench (outer Moray Firth) benthic camera and infaunal grab survey

This benthic habitat survey was carried out by Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) for SNH within the Southern Trench MPA proposal from the vessel RV Endeavour from...

QICS Paper: Marine baseline and monitoring strategies for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS)

The QICS controlled release experiment demonstrates that leaks of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas can be detected by monitoring acoustic, geochemical and biological parameters within a given marine...

Marine Aggregate Levy Sustainability Fund (MALSF) Geophysical and Multibeam Survey 2005/3_MEPF: MALSF Eastern English Channel Marine Habitat Map Study (27/May/2005 to 26/Jun/2005)

This Gardline marine geophysical survey took place during May/June 2005 in the Eastern English Channel aboard the MV Tridens. This survey was undertaken for the Eastern English Channel Marine...

Daytime Population, Borough

Daytime population - The estimated number of people in a borough in the daytime during an average day, broken down by component sub-groups. The figures given are an average day during school...

National Forest Estate Recreation Points GB

Physical recreation feature on the ground best depicted as point. These features a divided into eight Categories... Signage - FC branded signs, information and navigational aids, which have...

Net Migration - Northern Ireland

Description of Data Notes: 1. Net Migration is the difference between inflows and outflows. Inflows = people coming to Northern Ireland to live Outflows = people leaving Northern Ireland to...

International Transport of Ozone and Precursors (ITOP-UK): Atmospheric Chemical Measurements and Analyses

Study of intercontinental transport of air pollutants by means of coordinated flights over the East coast of North America, the Azores and the West coast of Europe. ITOP was a component of the...

International Transport of Ozone and Precursors (ITOP-UK): Atmospheric Chemical Measurements and Analyses

Study of intercontinental transport of air pollutants by means of coordinated flights over the East coast of North America, the Azores and the West coast of Europe. ITOP was a component of the...

Sulphur and nitrogen atmospheric Concentration Based Estimated Deposition (CBED) data for the UK 2016-2018

These datasets provide Concentration Based Estimated Deposition (CBED) values of sulphur and nitrogen atmospheric deposition for 5x5 kilometres (km) grid squares of the UK averaged over the years...

Sulphur and nitrogen atmospheric Concentration Based Estimated Deposition (CBED) data for the UK 2015-2017

These datasets provide Concentration Based Estimated Deposition (CBED) values of sulphur and nitrogen atmospheric deposition for 5x5 kilometre (km) grid squares of the UK averaged over the years...

Meteorology, soil physics, and eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide, energy, and water exchange from a distributed network of sites across England and Wales, 2018-2023

This dataset contains time series observations of surface-atmosphere exchanges of carbon, water, and energy, as well as supporting micrometeorological, soil physics, and vegetation measurements....

Oribatid mites 1998 [Countryside Survey]

This dataset consists of oribatid mite species records (a component of the soil mesofauna), extracted from soils sampled across Great Britain in 1998, as part of the Countryside Survey monitoring...