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453 results found

UKCCSRC Call 1 project presentation: Fault seal controls on storage capacity, Cranfield Biannual, 22.04.15

The data consists of a presentation presented at the UKCCSRC biannual meeting in Cranfield, April 20th 2015. The presentation describes an overview of work carried-out on behalf of the 'Fault seal...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project poster: Fault seal controls on storage capacity, Cranfield Biannual, 21.04.15

This poster was presented at the Cranfield Biannual, 21.04.15. Grant number: UKCCSRC-C1-14. The data consists of a poster presented at the UKCCSRC biannual meeting in Cranfield, April 20th 2015....

Dyke-induced fault measurements and predicted dyke properties offshore NW Australia (NERC Grant NE/R014086/1)

Fault analyses used to estimate underlying dyke properties, imaged in 3D seismic reflection data. The seismic reflection data are located offshore NW Australia and image a series of Late Jurassic...

Corinth Rift, Greece Fault Location and Activity Rate data (NERC Grant NE/R016550/1)

The data are derived from interpretation of seismic reflection profiles within the offshore Corinth Rift, Greece (the Gulf of Corinth) integrated with IODP scientific ocean drilling borehole data...

Fault slip potential for Horn River Basin hydraulic fracturing-induced seismicity (NERC Grant NE/R018006/1)

This dataset contains a catalogue of in-situ models for a fault activated by hydraulic fracturing in the Horn River Basin in July 2011. These were created as a part of Kettlety et al. (2019),...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project poster: Fault Seal Controls on Aquifer CO2 Storage Capacity, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project Fault Seal Controls on Aquifer CO2 Storage Capacity was presented at the CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16. Grant number: UKCCSRC-C1-14....

Multiple calibrated laboratory images of experiments to determine leakage rates through faults and geological heterogeneities (NERC Grant NE/N016084/1)

Multiple calibrated laboratory images of experiments to determine leakage rates through faults and geological heterogeneities. Two sequences of images, and associated movie (avi file) depicting...

% of panel who think that vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage to property or vehicles is a problem in their local area

% of panel who think that vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage to property or vehicles is a problem in their local area

UKCCSRC Call 1 project paper: Carbon dioxide storage in the Captain Sandstone aquifer: determination of in situ stresses and fault-stability analysis

Peer reviewed paper published in the journal Petroleum Geoscience - the paper describes work carried-out on behalf of the 'Fault seal controls on CO2 storage capacity in aquifers' project funded by...

% of panel who think that vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage to property or vehicles is not a problem in their local area

% of panel who think that vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage to property or vehicles is not a problem in their local area

Shallow gas expressions offshore Netherlands - Results from the Fault Seal Controls on Aquifer CO2 Storage Project - poster at UKCCSRC biannual meeting, Cardiff

The data consists of a poster presented at the UKCCSRC biannual meeting in Cardiff, September 10-11th 2014. The poster describes work carried-out on behalf of the 'Fault seal controls on CO2...

Fault or fracture trace

The Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) was commissioned to produce a Northern Ireland wide coastal geological dataset, detailing the bedrock geology.GSNI used the 1;10,000 digital bedrock...

Fault or fracture trace

The Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) was commissioned to produce a Northern Ireland wide coastal geological dataset, detailing the bedrock geology.GSNI used the 1;10,000 digital bedrock...

Fault or fracture trace

The Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) was commissioned to produce a Northern Ireland wide coastal geological dataset, detailing the bedrock geology.GSNI used the 1;10,000 digital bedrock...

Fault or fracture trace

The Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) was commissioned to produce a Northern Ireland wide coastal geological dataset, detailing the bedrock geology.GSNI used the 1;10,000 digital bedrock...

Fault seal controls on security of CO2 storage in aquifers - abstract for 'The Geology of Geomechanics' conference, Geological Society, London

The data consists of an abstract submitted to 'The Geology of Geomechanics' conference, held at Burlington House, London by the Geological Society on 28-29 October, 2015. The abstract describes an...

Fault Seal Controls on Storage Capacity - presentation presented at the '1st Young North Sea CCS Researchers meeting', Rotterdam, Netherlands.

The data consists of a presentation presented at the '1st Young North Sea CCS Researchers meeting', Rotterdam, Netherlands, 18th June 2014. The presentation describes work carried-out on behalf of...

Invertebrate pests, natural enemies, pollinators, pest damage and yields associated with different understorey treatments in an agroforestry system, Nottinghamshire, UK, 2020

This resource comprises abundance data for invertebrates, pest damage to apples, and yields from an agroforestry system subject to two different understorey management treatments, comprising an...

Fault seal controls on security of CO2 storage in aquifers - poster presented at 'The Geology of Geomechanics' conference, Geological Society, London

The data consists of a poster presented at 'The Geology of Geomechanics' conference, held at Burlington House, London by the Geological Society on 28-29 October, 2015. The poster describes an...

Effects of low-dose ionising radiation on reproduction and DNA damage in marine and freshwater amphipod crustaceans

Data comprise results of laboratory experiments assessing the impacts of beta radiation (phosphorus-32) on reproduction, development and DNA damage in a marine and freshwater crustacean species....