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Primary Care Trust Prescribing Data

Quarterly Primary Care Trust (PCT) prescribing data from April 2011 to March 2013. From April 2013, PCTs were replaced by Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs). This data is available separately.

National Kidney Care Audit Reports

National Kidney Care: Audit Vascular Access National Kidney Care: Audit Patient Transport To request hard copies of the National Kidney Care Audit national report, please contact us on 0845...

Adult Social Care - Referrals, Assessments and Packages of Care

Discontinued in 2013/14 and replaced by the SALT (Short and Long Term Support) return this annual statutory return contains details of Referrals, Assessments and Packages of Adult Social...

Statistics on Smoking, England

This statistical report presents a range of information on smoking which is drawn together from a variety of sources. The report aims to present a broad picture of health issues relating to smoking...

Welsh Local Health Boards

Local Health Boards in Wales Contains: Wlhb.csv contains parent Local Health Boards in Wales only. All three WLHB files follow the same format and conventions. This data is for current...

NHS Workforce - Health Visitors

The minimum data set (MDS) collection for health visiting (HV) provides the number of full time equivalent (FTE) health visitors employed by all NHS organisations, Local Authorities and Social...

Adult Dental Health Survey

The 2009 Adult Dental Health Survey (ADHS) is the fifth in a series of national dental surveys that have been carried out every decade since 1968. The main purpose of these surveys has been to get...

Health, Safety and Environment Records

Procedures, records, assessments, reports etc. related to the health and safety of staff and equipment related to the UK fusion programme.

Details of NHS organisations in England from Organisation Data Service

The Organisation Data Service (ODS) is provided by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC). It is responsible for the publication of all organisation and practitioner codes and...

The Local Authority Children’s Social Care Services Workforce

Contains information about staff employed by children’s social services departments in England. The report uses data collected in the NMDS-SC, which was voluntary for children’s services. Source...

NI 131 - Delayed transfers of care from hospitals

The rate of delayed transfers of care from all NHS hospitals per 100,000 population aged 18+. A delayed transfer of care occurs when a patient is ready for transfer from a hospital bed, but is...

NI 148 - Care leavers in employment, education or training

Former care leavers: Young people aged 19 (i.e., at or near their 19th birthday) who were looked after under any legal status (other than V3 or V4 - see footnote of template) aged 16. in...

NI 131 - Delayed transfers of care from hospitals

The rate of delayed transfers of care from all NHS hospitals per 100,000 population aged 18+. A delayed transfer of care occurs when a patient is ready for transfer from a hospital bed, but is...

NI 148 - Care leavers in employment, education or training

Former care leavers: Young people aged 19 (i.e., at or near their 19th birthday) who were looked after under any legal status (other than V3 or V4 - see footnote of template) aged 16. in...

Adult Psychiatric Morbidity in England

Provide estimates of mental health problems among adults living in private households in England, to monitor trends in mental health disorders and examine factors that might be associated with...

Public Health Outcomes Framework

Compendium of public health outcomes indicators presented at England and upper tier LA level. Indicators are split over 4 domains: improving the wider determinants of health; health improvement;...

Learning Disabilities Annual Census Report, England

This report presents initial findings from the Learning Disability Census. Data were collected via the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) on behalf of the Department of Health, the...

Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010, Health Rank

Ranking of LSOAs according to their score in the Health Deprivation and Disability domain. The English Indices of Deprivation provide a relative measure of deprivation at small area level across...

Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2010, Health Score

Score for each LSOA in the Health Deprivation and Disability domain. The English Indices of Deprivation provide a relative measure of deprivation at small area level across England. Areas are...

UK Armed Forces Mental Health Report

Statistics on mental health in the Armed Forces. Source agency: Defence Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: UKAF MHR