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602 results found

Scientific Licences Database

Records of all establishments in England and Wales who hold scientific licences (plant health licences) to import, move and keep prohibited material (as detailed in the Plant Health Directive...

Modelling a Back Series for the Consumer Price Index

The release includes an article which presents a method used to estimate a CPI series back to 1950. In addition the estimated series are provided at the all-items and two-digit CPI levels. Source...

Engineering Laboratory Reports

A list of the laboratory reports produced from testing in the engineering geology laboratory. It includes report number, title and author's name(s). The reports themselves contain data on a wide...

Results of planktonic foraminifera biostratigraphy at Site U1559A (NERC Grant NE/W00478X/1)

Results of shore-based micropaleontological analysis, summarizing planktonic foraminifera biostratigraphy at Site U1559A. IODP Hole U1559A located in the central South Atlantic (30°15.6335′S,...

Brownfield Land Register for Mid Devon District Council

Mid Devon District Council is required to prepare, maintain and publish a register of previously developed (brownfield) land suitable for housing. The guidance requires that Brownfield Land...

London Wellbeing and Sustainability Measure

The Mayor of London committed to developing a London Wellbeing and Sustainability Measure in his [2021 manifesto](

Cancer Survival by GOR, SHA and Cancer Network

One-year and five-year relative survival estimates for adult patients diagnosed with one of eight cancers in England. Results are presented by Government Office Region, Strategic Health Authority...

An Examination of Falling Real Wages

According to several ONS measures, real wages have been falling since 2010. This article uses ONS data to examine four possible factors behind this; productivity, real wage wedges, hours worked,...

UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) Sampling Survey 1970/14: Southern Approaches to Sea of the Hebrides (19/Sep/1970 to 14/Oct/1970)

This sampling survey has been carried out by the Hydrographic Department of the Ministry of Defence, the survey took place from September to October 1970 in the Sea of the Hebrides on board HMS...

Reference samples of building stones

A collection of large-size, representative hand samples of building stones from current and historic quarries in the UK, together with specimens from historic buildings supplied by conservation...

Stakeholder Consultation Review

This report describes the results of the recent stakeholder review of the ONS cancer outputs and agreed responses to suggestions made therein. Stakeholders viewed the current cancer outputs and...

Local Enterprise Partnership Profiles

The Local Enterprise Partnership Profiles aim to help Local Enterprise Partnerships use official statistics to better understand the economic, social and environmental picture for the local...

BGS Petrological Rock Samples From Overseas Surveys And Projects.

Rocks, thin sections and paper registers: samples from past BGS surveys and projects overseas. Though neglected for several years, the collection has been re-opened for addition of new material...

Barton Strategic Regional Site

Dataset showing the extent of the Barton Strategic Regional Site, identified in the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan 2006 - 2016 as a key location potentially providing for employment...

Local Profiles

Local Profiles aim to help local authorities use official statistics to better understand the economic, social and environmental picture for their area. They have been developed using data that...

Sustainable Tourism

This report from the ONS Tourism Intelligence Unit details recent work undertaken that has been concerned with a review and appraisal of sustainable tourism indicators. This review has drawn on a...

Sub-National Tourism

Estimates of the economic value of tourism within UK regions, sub-regions and local areas. Includes supply and demand data relating to tourism and tourism industries Source agency: Office for...

Map based index (GeoIndex) onshore drillcore

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of drillcore, bulk specimens, unwashed cuttings and processed material from onshore boreholes drilled in UK by BGS, commercial and...

Additional sample list for the SoS RARE project (Security of Supply of Rare Earths) (NERC Grant NE/M01147X/1)

This dataset is an additional sample list, as an Excel spreadsheet, providing details of the major sample suites collected by Delia Cangelosi during SoS RARE and not added to the master spreadsheet...

2003 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA4 Technical report - Shallow benthos (north UKCS)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA4) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). It is a synthesis of...