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East Sussex County Council election results 2005-2016

A list of elections to East Sussex County Council, which leads to data about candidates, parties, electoral divisions and votes cast. Uses the Open Election Data RDF vocabulary.

Skills Funding Agency List of Declared Subcontractors (previously known as the Subcontracting Register)

A list of subcontractors that hold at least £100,000 of contracts in aggregate with one or more lead providers for the academic year. The List of Declared Subcontractors is compiled using data...

Water bodies impacted by pollution from abandoned metal mines

List of water bodies (rivers) with significant failures of environmental quality standards for metals (cadmium, lead, nickel, copper, zinc and/or iron) caused by abandoned metal mines in England....

Bathing Waters ZOI Catchments

Bathing water zones of influence (ZOI) are defined as an area where if heavy rainfall occurs may lead to surface water runoff causing a reduction in water quality at a designated bathing water....

Wader Zonal Map

The Wader Zonal Map – a.k.a. Wader Sensitivity Map (WSM) and Breeding Wader Sensitivity Map – was produced by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) in partnership with the Forestry Commission and...

Information for each Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) participant

The CRC Order 2013 provides for publication of information on the basis of participants' annual reports plus details submitted when they registered for the scheme. The CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme...

Local Flood Risk Management Strategy Area

Warwickshire Count Council has the responsibility to prepare, predict and manage flood risk in the county, following the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 making us a lead local flood authority.

GB Road Traffic Counts

The Department for Transport collects traffic data to produce statistics on the level of traffic on roads in Great Britain. Summary statistics of road traffic are published on an annual and...

Greening Government Data for Department for Education

Data includes gas, electricity and water usage, waste tonnage produced, paper procured, and data on business travel costs and carbon usage

Greening Government data for DCLG and Arms' Length Bodies [also DfE]

Data includes gas, electricity and water usage, waste tonnage produced, paper procured, and data on business travel costs and carbon usage

Owner occupation in English regions

This dataset contains the percentage breakdown of owner occupiers for regions in England. This dataset was produced by the English Housing Survey and contains the percentage breakdown of owner...

Value of orders for new housing construction, Great Britain

This dataset contains a short-term measure of output by the private sector and public corporations in the construction industry in Great Britain, including quarterly data. Values are given in...

Linked Data

The linked data is developmental and is produced from linking existing administrative data sources together to create a new valuable information asset which is being used for a variety of purposes.

Fire statistics: Firefighters pensions

This information covers information on response times firefighter pensions. The Home Office has responsibility for fire services in England. The vast majority of data tables produced by the Home...

Fire statistics: Non-dwelling fires attended

This information covers fires, false and other incidents attended by firecrews, and the statistics include the numbers of incidents, fires, fatalities and casualties as well as information on...

Fire statistics: Deliberate fires attended

This information covers fires, false and other incidents attended by firecrews, and the statistics include the numbers of incidents, fires, fatalities and casualties as well as information on...

Employment monitoring report - Home Office

The employment monitoring report (EMR) are produced to provide an annual update on how the Home Office is performing against the monitoring of its statutory duties to its employees in accordance...

Organic Statistics Database

The Organics Statistics (Access) database holds information on organic operators in the UK including the names and addresses of producers, processors, importers and statistical information relating...

Organic Statistics Database: Access database on Anaerobic digestion strategy (ADS) applications/payments

The Organics Statistics (Access) database holds information on organic operators in the UK including the names and addresses of producers, processors, importers and statistical information relating...

Diatom Silica Oxygen Isotope Records from the Late Quaternary Antarctic Margin (NERC lead grant NE/G004811/1, child grant NE/G00413)

Antarctica and its ice sheets have played, and continue to play, a major role in the global ocean-atmosphere system, hence, it is critical that we have a sound understanding of the past behaviour...