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382 results found

ENPA Section 3 Moor and Heath

Section 3 of the Wildlife and Countryside (Amendment) Act 1985 requires the National Park Authority (NPA) to prepare a map of any areas of mountain, moor, heath, woodland, down, cliff or foreshore...

2003 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA4 Technical report - Conservation sites (north UKCS)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA4) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). The report identifies...

Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Geophysical Survey 1993/5: LOIS project: Humber (08/03/1993 to 12/03/1993)

This geophysical survey has been undertaken by University College of North Wales (UCNW) for Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), the survey took place in March 1993 in the Humber flats and...

Municipal Recycling & Waste Strategy - Assumptions: Demographic

This section outlines the assumptions we have used as a basis for Barnet Council’s Municipal Recycling & Waste Strategy and the various evidence collated that supports them D1 - Over the next...

2008 CCW / ASML Carmarthen Bay Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Cockle Bed Survey

The Habitats Directive requires that the management of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) should aim to achieve the favourable conservation status of habitat and species features listed within...

Standard Area Measurements for Eurostat NUTS Areas (December 2018) in the UK

This zip file contains the Standard Area Measurements (SAM) for the Eurostat NUTS areas in the United Kingdom as at 31 December 2018. This includes the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for...

Standard Area Measurements for Electoral Areas (December 2022) in the UK

This zip file contains the Standard Area Measurements (SAM) for the electoral areas in the United Kingdom as 31 December 2022. This includes Westminster parliamentary constituencies, Senedd...

2006, GSB Prospection Ltd, Lincs Offshore Wind Farm, Geophysical Survey - Walpole Electricity Substation

Walpole electricity sub-station is located approximately 1.5km west of the village of Walpole St Peter, Norfolk. The evaluation area occupies parts of three flat fields situated between the...

2004, Titan Environmental Surveys Ltd., Lynn and Inner Dowsing Offshore Wind Farm, Suspended Sediment Study

Titan Environmental Surveys Limited were commissioned by Centrica Renewable Energy Ltd to undertake a deployment of oceanographic instruments at four sites in the northern approaches to the Wash,...

Natural England (NE) 2001 North Lincolnshire Coast Survey of Potential Saline Lagoons

This report presents the results of a survey of potential saline lagoons in the Humber Flats, Marshes and Coast Special Protection Area (SPA), North Lincolnshire. A preliminary visit was made in...

Coal Resources Map of Britain

Coal resource maps for the whole of the UK have been produced by the British Geological Survey as a result of joint work with Department of Trade and Industry and the Coal Authority. The Coal...

2005, HR Wallingford, Walney & West of Duddon Sands Offshore Windfarm, Coastal and Seabed Processes

HR Wallingford undertook a desk study of the coastal and seabed processes to set out the existing state of knowledge, to assess the potential impact of the WoDS and Walney developments and to...

Intertidal Monitoring of Sediment Transects in Carmarthen Bay and Estuaries Special Area of Conservation (SAC) 2008

The Habitats Directive establishes that the management of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) should aim to achieve the favourable conservation status of habitat and species features listed within...

2005, HR Wallingford, West of Duddon Sands and Walney Offshore Wind Farms, Impacts on Coastal and Seabed Processes

HR Wallingford undertook a desk study of the coastal and seabed processes to set out the existing state of knowledge, to assess the potential impact of the WoDS and Walney developments and to...

A Survey of Native Oyster Beds (Ostrea edulis) in Wales

The native flat oyster Ostrea edulis is a UK and Welsh Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) species, for which a UK action plan exists. Native oysters have a long history of over-exploitation in Wales...

2005, EMU Ltd., Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm, Marine Survey Project

Emu Ltd were commissioned by Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Ltd to undertake at geophysical survey over the proposed offshore Greater Gabbard windfarm site. The export cable route and a landfall...

Standard Area Measurements for National Parks (December 2016) in GB

This zip file contains the Standard Area Measurements (SAM) for the 2016 National Parks in Great Britain as at 1 August 2016 in CSV and XLSX format. All measurements provided are ‘flat’ as they do...

Intertidal Monitoring of Tide-Swept Boulder Habitat in the Menai Strait and Conwy Bay Special Area of Conservation (SAC) 2007

There were two purposes for this data capture. Firstly, to establish the reference condition from which to establish conservation objectives; and to be able to take account of natural changes in...

2013, EGS (International) Ltd, London Array Offshore Wind Farm, Export Cable Route Post-Construction Survey

In August 2013 EGS International were commissioned to carry out bathymetric surveys of the London Array Export cable routes. The Bathymetric surveys were to cover the 4 export cables corridor as...

2011 - 2015 North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (NWIFCA) Sabellaria alveolata surveys

In 2011 the north Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority began to complete surveys of intertidal Sabellaria alveolata (honeycomb worm) reefs in the district. This survey technique was...