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Influence of riparian shade on stream thermal regime (New Forest 2010)

River temperature is a key parameter of water quality. Most bio-chemical processes and physical characteristics of a water body are functions of temperature. Aquatic organisms including fish are...

School Revenue Balances

Local Authorities are required under section 251 of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 to prepare and submit an education outturn statement (containing details of the...

Pension Forecasting Project

This Pension Forecasting data provides monthly volumes of the number of pension forecasts relating to the State Pension (SP) Forecasts services provided by DWP. It also provides the number of...

Financial reports on Local Authority expenditure on their education and children's social care functions: (section 251 formerly s52)

Local Authorities are required under section 251 of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 to prepare and submit an education outturn statement (containing details of the...

Countryside Stewardship Woodland Boundary

Countryside Stewardship (CS) was launched in 2015 and is a Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) grant scheme. It will contribute around £900 million over six years to help farmers and...

Trial of biodegradable mulch materials (Kent 2012)

Mulches are materials applied to the soil surface to control the growth of competitive weeds. The durability, practicality, and weed control efficacy of a range of mulch materials was tested for...

Long term effects of whole tree harvesting on soil carbon (Falstone 2009)

Kielder (Flastone 7) is the the oldest whole tree harvesting experiments in Europe. The site is currently a 34-year-old second rotation stand of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), in Kielder forest,...

Gas consumption cost on Defra estate July 2012 to April 2016

Monthly utility data for individual sites across the Defra estate from July 2012 to April 2016. Attribution statement:

Various water quality parameters covering a pre and post-planting regime (Halladale study 1995-2010)

Our study was driven by concerns that afforesting the headwaters of the Upper Halladale River in North Scotland would affect water quality and the local salmon fishery. The main issue was the...

Seed production and seedling survival in a stand of Corsican pine in Southern Britain

There is much literature on natural regeneration which emphasizes the importance of good seed year, but few authors consider seed input in terms of the combination of seed quantity (i.e. number of...

2006, Scira Offshore Energy Ltd., Sheringham Shoal Offshore Windfarm, Environmental Statement, Appendix 9.4: Sediment Classification

This project examines the sediment classification surveys undertaken at the site of the Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm.

2017, Wessex Archaeology, Blyth NaREC Offshore Demonstration Site, Inter-tidal Archaeological Watching Brief Method Statement

Wessex Archaeology has been commissioned by Blyth Offshore Demonstrator Limited (BODL) to produce a Method Statement (MS) in support of archaeological mitigation required for the inter-tidal works...

2002, Offshore Wind Power Limited., Inner Dowsing Offshore Wind Farm, Addendum to the Ornithological Assessment for Environmental Statement

This series contains an addendum to the to the Ornithological Assessment reported in the Environmental Statement (OWPL 2002) for the proposed Inner Dowsing offshore wind farm. The report provides...

2016, Natural Power Consultants Ltd., Blyth NaREC Offshore Demonstration Site, Risk Assessment and Method Statement (RAMS)

Natural Power Consultants (Natural Power) has been invited by Blyth Offshore Demonstrator Limited (BODL) to carry out pre-construction benthic monitoring surveys at the Blyth Offshore Demonstrator...

2011, RPS, London Array Offshore Wind Farm, Environmental Statement Volume 2: Onshore Substations and Grid Connections

This project examines the landscape and seascape visual assessment carried out by RPS at the site of the London Array offshore wind farm. The purpose of this study was to describe, classify and...

2005, Project Management Support Services Ltd., (PMSS Ltd), Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm, Environmental Statement

This series contains the Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Statement and it's corresponding Non Technical Summary document. Greater Gabbard Offshore Winds Ltd is proposing to...

2006, Scira Offshore Energy Ltd., Sheringham Shoal Offshore Windfarm, Environmental Statement, Appendix 9.1: Epifaunal Assessment

This project examines epifaunal surveys that were undertaken at the site of the Sheringham Shoal offshore wind farm. The Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Studies (IECS) have carried out a number...

Defra Information Services Directorate Training Spend FY15 16

A list of staff Training funded by Defra Information Services Directorate in financial year 2015 2016. Attribution statement: © Crown Copyright

Nitrogen mitigation options data

Datasets compiled in order to inform potential payments for ecosystem service scheme for Poole Harbour catchment. Attribution statement: © Crown Copyright

School Revenue Balances

Local Authorities are required under section 52 of the Schools Standards and Framework Act 1998 to prepare and submit an education outturn statement (containing details of the actual expenditure...