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550 results found

Shallow Gas Offshore Netherlands - The Role of Faulting and Implications for CO2 Storage - extended abstract 4th International Conference on Fault and Top seal

The data consists of an extended abstract submitted to 'The Fourth International Conference on Fault and Top Seals', Almeria, Spain, 20-24th September 2015. The abstract describes work carried-out...

Experimental data from brine-CO2 flow-through test on a 45% porosity synthetic sandstone under shallow storage reservoirs conditions

The spreadsheet gathers the data collected during a brine:CO2 flow-through experiment conducted on a weakly-cemented synthetic sandstone core sample using the multiflow experimental rig for CO2...

QICS Paper: Detection of CO2 leakage from a simulated sub-seabed storage site using three different types of pCO2 sensors

This work is focused on results from a recent controlled sub-seabed in situ carbon dioxide (CO2) release experiment carried out during May–October 2012 in Ardmucknish Bay on the Scottish west...

UK Miscellaneous: Report: A preliminary feasibility study for the underground disposal of carbon dioxide in UK 1991 (THE first UK CO2 storage publication)

This is THE first CO2 storage publication produced in the UK. The Association of the Coal Producers of the European Community are agreed that immediate action is required to reduce the build up of...

DECC: Reports from Peterhead and White Rose UK Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) Projects

The UK government is committed to sharing the knowledge from the UK CCS projects. Under the 2013/2014 Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) contracts, the Peterhead (Goldeneye) and White Rose CCS...

DECC: Reports from Longannet ScottishPower UK Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Consortium Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) Project

In March 2010, the Scottish CCS (Carbon Capture & Storage) Consortium began an extensive Front End, Engineering and Design (FEED) study to assess what exactly would be required from an...

EPSRC project paper: New insights from 3D geological models at analogue CO2 storage sites in Lincolnshire and eastern Scotland, UK

Subsurface 3D geological models of aquifer and seal rock systems from two contrasting analogue sites have been created as the first step in an investigation into methodologies for geological...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project paper: Carbon dioxide storage in the Captain Sandstone aquifer: determination of in situ stresses and fault-stability analysis

Peer reviewed paper published in the journal Petroleum Geoscience - the paper describes work carried-out on behalf of the 'Fault seal controls on CO2 storage capacity in aquifers' project funded by...

2007, Stag Energy, Gateway Storage Project, Morecambe Bay Inshore, Pipeline/Cable Route Survey, BGS Reference Number SA06SS0001

An oil and gas industry site survey for a pipeline/cable route acquired in June 2007. The block numbers traversed were 110/4 and 113/29.

Fault seal analysis of a natural CO2 reservoir - extended abstract for 'The Fourth International Conference on Fault and Top Seals', Almeria, Spain

The data consists of an extended abstract submitted to 'The Fourth International Conference on Fault and Top Seals', Almeria, Spain, 20-24th September 2015. The abstract describes work carried-out...

Strategic Arts Grants

This annual CBC funding combines with that awarded by Arts Council England and Essex County Council, as well as other public, private and commercial sources of income, to enable the organisations...

Strategic Arts Grants

This annual CBC funding combines with that awarded by Arts Council England and Essex County Council, as well as other public, private and commercial sources of income, to enable the organisations...

Flood Map for Planning (Rivers and Sea) - Flood Zone 3

The Flood Map for Planning (Rivers and Sea) includes several layers of information. This dataset covers Flood Zone 3. It is our best estimate of the areas of land at risk of flooding, when the...

Iron Mountain

Storage contractors - online and records management system. They collect case files on request, this is logged on ISCIS. HQ also use for HR Files, Minutes etc

EDM - Sala

Storage contractors - online and records management system. They collect case files on request, this is logged on ISCIS. HQ also use for HR Files, Minutes etc

Fault seal analysis of a natural CO2 reservoir in the Southern North Sea - Conference paper presented at 12th 'Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies' conference

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project, Fault seal controls on storage capacity, was presented at the Cranfield Biannual, 21.04.15. Grant number: UKCCSRC-C1-14.

EPSRC Project: Fingerprinting captured CO2 using natural tracers: Determining CO2 fate and proving ownership

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has emerged as a promising means of lowering CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion. However, concerns about the possibility of harmful CO2 leakage are...

All BGS Value Added Biostratigraphy Collections And Data

Interrelated specimens and records compiled over 150 years of palaeontological collecting and research. All associated paper data (registers, indexes of locality and storage, reports of conclusions).

Fault seal analysis of a natural CO2 reservoir - poster presented at 'The Fourth International Conference on Fault and Top Seals', Almeria, Spain

The data consists of a poster presented at 'The Fourth International Conference on Fault and Top Seals', Almeria, Spain, 20-24th September 2015. The poster describes work carried-out on behalf of...

WWNP Runoff Attenuation Features 3.3% AEP

This dataset has been produced as part of the Mapping Potential for Working with Natural Processes research project (SC150005). The project created a toolbox of mapped data and methods which enable...