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2010, Gateway Gas Storage Ltd, Gateway Cavern Area, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number 2261

An oil and gas industry site survey for gas storage acquired between July and August 2010. The block number traversed was 110/3.

2001, BP Exploration, Juno Project UKCS 47/3 (Apollo / Artemis), Seabed Infrastructure Survey, BGS Reference Number BP01SS0006

An oil and gas industry site survey for seabed infrastructure acquired between May and June 2001. The block number traversed 47/3.

2006, Shell UK Ltd, UKCS Block 21/30, Gannet E P1 Well, Seabed Infrastructure Survey, BGS Reference Number SH06SS0003

An oil and gas industry site survey for seabed infrastructure (anchoring conditions) acquired in January 2006. The block number traversed was 21/30.

2008, Shell UK Ltd, UKCS 21/25, Teal P2 Well, Seabed Infrastructure Survey, BGS Reference Number SH08SS0005

An oil and gas industry site survey for seabed infrastructure (anchoring conditions) acquired in July 2008. The block number traversed was 21/25.

1998, Hess, Bittern And Flora Developments, Site Survey, BGS Reference Number AH98SS0006

An oil and gas industry geophysical and geotechnical site survey acquired between December and February 1998. The block number traversed was 31/26.

2003, ConocoPhillips, UKCS Block 49/16 49/16-VB (Valkyrie), Debris Clearance Survey, BGS Reference Number CS03SS0002

An oil and gas industry jack-up rig debris site survey acquired in November 2003. The block number traversed was 49/16.

2006, BP Exploration, UKCS 22/24 ETAP CPF, Debris Clearance Survey, BGS Reference Number BP06SS0002

An oil and gas industry site survey for debris clearance acquired between September and October 2006. The block number traversed was 22/24.

2007, Shell UK Ltd, UKCS Block 21/25 Teal P1 Well, Seabed Infrastructure Survey, BGS Reference Number SH07SS0005

An oil and gas industry site survey for seabed infrastructure (anchoring conditions) acquired in August 2007. The block number traversed was 21/25.

2007, ConocoPhillips, UKCS Block 44/19b Harrison, Debris Clearance Survey, BGS Reference Number CS07SS0001

An oil and gas industry site survey for debris clearance acquired between February and April 2007. The block number traversed was 44/19

2000, ConocoPhillips, UKCS Block 15/29b Proposed Callinish Drill Centre Location, Site Survey, BGS Reference Number CS00SS0002

An oil and gas industry rig site survey acquired between October 1997 and June 2000. The block number traversed was 15/29.

2009, Perenco UK Ltd, Baird, Platform Survey, DECC Reference Number 2081

An oil and gas industry site survey for a platform acquired under licence P016 in October 2009. The block number traversed was 49/23a.

2004, Shell UK Ltd, UKCS Block 21/30, Gannet GC2 and GC4 Wells, Seabed Infrastructure Survey, BGS Reference Number SH04SS0007

An oil and gas industry site survey for seabed infrastructure (anchoring conditions) acquired in April 2004. The block number traversed was 21/30.

1998, Hess, Flora Development I, Site Survey, BGS Reference Number AH98SS0003

An oil and gas industry geophysical and geotechnical site survey acquired between December and February 1998. The block number traversed was 31/26.

2007, Talisman Sinopec Energy (UK) Ltd, Stenness Prospect UKCS Block 13/26, Site Survey, BGS Reference Number TB07SS0005

An oil and gas industry geophysical rig site survey acquired between January and February 2007. The block number traversed was 13/26.

2010, BG Group, Lomond, Platform Survey, DECC Reference Number 2264

An oil and gas industry site survey for a platform acquired under licence P101 in August 2010. The block number traversed was 23/21.

2004, Shell UK Ltd, UKCS Block 22/21, Gannet GG-01 Well, Seabed Infrastructure Survey, BGS Reference Number SH04SS0001

An oil and gas industry site survey for seabed infrastructure (anchoring conditions) acquired in November 2004. The block number traversed was 22/21.

2007, Talisman Sinopec Energy (UK) Ltd, Auk ANC UKCS Block 30/16, Site Survey, BGS Reference Number TB07SS0002

An oil and gas industry geophysical rig site survey acquired between April and June 2007. The block number traversed was 30/16.

2005, Shell UK Ltd, UKCS Block 22/30a Merganser, Seabed Infrastructure Survey, BGS Reference Number SH05SS0003

An oil and gas industry site survey for seabed infrastructure (anchoring conditions) acquired in June 2005. The block number traversed was 22/30.

2004, BP Exploration, Machar 23/26, Debris Clearance Survey, BGS Reference Number BP04SS0001

An oil and gas industry site survey for debris clearance acquired between January and February 2004. The block number traversed was 23/26.

2006, Shell UK Ltd, UKCS 29/7, Curlew D Proposed P4 Well, Seabed Infrastructure Survey, BGS Reference Number SH06SS0002

An oil and gas industry site survey for seabed infrastructure (anchoring conditions) acquired in July 2006. The block number traversed was 29/7.