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2010, Xcite Energy Resources Ltd, Bentley, Jack-Up Rig, DECC Reference Number 2186

An oil and gas industry site survey for a jack-up rig acquired under licence P1078 between March and April 2010. The block number traversed was 9/3b.

2004, EOG Resources, UKCS 49/21 Viper, Site Survey, BGS Reference Number EG04SS0001

An oil and gas industry rig site survey acquired in July 2004. The block number traversed was 49/21.

Boundaries of Special Protection Areas (SPAs) of Great Britain (including offshore areas)

This resource contains the spatial dataset of Special Protection Area boundaries in Great Britain (including offshore areas), **last updated on 30 September 2022**. The date of the latest update to...

Allerdale Section 158 Agreements Land Charge

Section 158 Agreement expressed as a Land Charge and recorded as polygons. Registered under the Water Resources Act 1991 for water resource purposes.


The Riparia dataset is an accumulation of surveys from riparian habitats, mostly Exposed Riverine Sediments (ERS), such as shingle and sand. A large proportion of the data comes from Environment...

Abuse of Vulnerable Adults in England

This report contains information on alerts and referrals to adult social care safeguarding teams in England derived from the Abuse of Vulnerable Adults (AVA) data collection. It presents a variety...

WFD (Water Framework Directive) Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 water body change log

This spreadsheet contains information regarding changes made to water bodies (and their spatial representations) reported in the two WFD (Water Framework Directive) cycle RBMP (River Basin...

Salmonid and freshwater fisheries statistics - Supplementary data tables

These data provide the declared final salmonid rod and net catches in England, Wales and the Border Esk. The catch data represents declared catches. Catch data is reported annually via catch...

Assessing Welsh Aquaculture Activities

The two AWAA Interactions Spreadsheets in Excel present the potential sensitivity of biotopes (components of habitats) and species (designated within MPAs, SSSIs or included within the...

Waiting Times for Suspected Cancer Patients

The monthly publication has been indefinitely postponed due to resource issues. Quarterly cancer waiting times data continue to be published at ...

WFD (Water Framework Directive) Cycle 2 River outfalls to transitional and coastal waters

This spreadsheet contains the location of the outfall points where Cycle 2 river lines (England only) meet the coast. These outfall points were initially created in an ESRI ArcGIS shapefile and...

Abstraction Licensing Strategy boundaries Cycle 2

The Abstraction Licensing Strategy Boundaries are an external reference dataset giving an indication of where technical assessments have been undertaken. The technical assessment helps identify...

Boundaries of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) of Great Britain (excludes offshore areas)

This resource contains the spatial dataset of Special Areas of Conservation in Great Britain (excluding offshore areas), **last updated in April 2019**. The date of the latest update to the data is...

JNCC visual aerial bird survey data

This resource provides visual aerial survey data for seaduck, divers, grebes, and little gull. Data were collected visually from aircraft at the following sites, identified as holding potentially...

Boundaries of Special Protection Areas (SPAs) of Northern Ireland

This resource contains the spatial dataset of Special Protection Areas in Northern Ireland, **last updated in November 2017**. The date of the latest update to the data is provided in the file...

Boundaries of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) of Northern Ireland (excludes offshore areas)

This resource contains the spatial dataset of Special Areas of Conservation in Northern Ireland (excluding offshore areas), **last updated in May 2018**. The date of the latest update to the data...

Minerals Safeguarding Areas

inerals are a non-renewable resource, minerals safeguarding is the process of ensuring that non-minerals development does not needlessly prevent the future extraction of mineral resources, of local...

Acoustic survey & mapping of sublittoral reefs at Flamborough Head. Lifeforms

The survey of the marine environment around Flamborough Head was undertaken as part of the BioMar Project which is funded by the European Community through the LIFE Programme. Conflicting data were...

Biogeographic Zones Living England (2021)

This is a spatial dataset which defines the regions for the Living England Phase IV habitat classification. 14 regions were created in England to balance resource requirements and scalability. The...

Inventories for the Alkaline Fen and Transition Mire and Quaking Bog Annex 1 habitats in England

This is a new stand-alone inventory that incorporates all vegetation types that fit within the EC Habitats Directive Annex 1 habitats ‘Alkaline Fens' (AF) and 'Transition Mires and Quaking Bogs'...