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Historic Seascape Characterisation: Hastings to Purbeck and Adjacent Waters

The Hastings to Purbeck and Adjacent Waters Project is one of the four projects commissioned to implement the HSC National Method across a range of areas in English waters. The project successfully...

Historic Seascape Characterisation: Hastings to Purbeck and Adjacent Waters

The Hastings to Purbeck and Adjacent Waters Project is one of the four projects commissioned to implement the HSC National Method across a range of areas in English waters. The project successfully...

Air Quality - PM10 - 24 hour Mean

This dataset contains the 24 hour Mean for PM10 (Particulate Matter) in Leicester City.  The 24 hour mean is not to exceed 50µg/m3.  35 exceedances are permitted per year.Terms used in the...

Government Procurement Card

This dataset, published on a quarterly basis, contains details of all expenditure made on the council's Government Procurement Card. The use of the GPC refers to cards issued under a procurement...

Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme (SSNAP) - Acute Organisational Audit 2012

The results of the SSNAP Acute Organisational Audit 2012 were the first to be published under the auspices of the new national stroke audit, the Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme (SSNAP). ...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project paper: Operational flexibility options in power plants 1 with integrated post-combustion capture

Flexibility in power plants with amine based carbon dioxide (CO2) capture is identified in the literature as a way of improving power plant revenues. Despite the prior art, the value of flexibility...

High velocity friction experiments, Sumatra 2018 (NERC grant NE/P011268/1)

High velocity friction experiments. In this study, new samples recovered by IODP (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program) Exp. 362 from incoming Indian plate sediments will be used to investigate the...

Fuel Poverty

Households in Fuel Poverty using the government Low Income Low Energy Efficiency (LILEE) method. The data shows numbers and percentages of households at County, District, and Lower Super Output...

Pollinator survey, floral resource survey and recorder feedback data from the National Pollinator and Pollination Monitoring Framework pilot study from 14 sites across the UK

This dataset contains data on pollinating insects, floral resources, and environmental conditions from a pollinator monitoring pilot conducted from 2015. Data were collected from a total of 14...

An overview of best-fitting: Building 2011 Census estimates from output areas (OAs)

Best-fitting is the method used to produce estimates for any output geography, by aggregating statistical building blocks, even where these may be nested within a higher geography. It is the method...

GP recorded obesity rates

A dataset providing data on GP recorded obesity rates.  Obesity is a term used to describe somebody who is very overweight, with a lot of body fat. It's a common problem, estimated to affect...

Public Health data - GP recorded conditions Leeds

Directly Age Standardised Rates (DASR) per 100,000. Age standardised rates compensate for differing age structures by weighting them to meet the European Standard Population (2013). Rates can then...

Public Health data - Mortality rates Leeds

Directly Age Standardised Mortality Rates (DASR) per 100,000. Age standardised rates compensate for differing age structures by weighting them to meet the European Standard Population (2013). Rates...

Exploring how to measure social integration using digital and online data

As part of the Mayor's Social Integration Strategy published in March 2018, one of the commitments was to develop a more comprehensive set of measures for social integration and to carry out...

2010 onwards Natural Resources Wales Skomer MCZ Zooplankton Time Series

Time series of consistent plankton samples taken using a Zooplankton net (200um mesh) from a single point on the North side of Skomer Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ). The net is hauled vertically...

London Business Survey 2014 - The workforce

The [2014 London Business Survey](/london-business-survey-2014/) (LBS) is an innovative survey designed by the Office for National Statistics, on behalf of the London Enterprise Panel and the GLA....

2016 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Mothecombe Seine Net and Push Net Fish Survey

A site at Mothecombe was surveyed using two different methods. Push netting and seine netting were carried out at Meadowsfoot Beach near Owen's Point. The species caught, by both methods, were...

2016 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Mothecombe Seine Net and Push Net Fish Survey

A site at Mothecombe was surveyed using two different methods. Push netting and seine netting were carried out at Meadowsfoot Beach near Owen's Point. The species caught, by both methods, were...

GM Accessibility Levels (GMAL)

Greater Manchester Accessibility Levels (GMAL) are a detailed and accurate measure of the accessibility of a point to both the conventional public transport network (i.e. bus, Metrolink and rail)...

Investigate small hive beetle

Investigate control methods for small hive beetle