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586 results found

DAERA Annual Chlorophyll a Survey (2008-Present)

The chlorophyll a survey is an annual assessment of the Chlorophyll a concentration in micrograms per litre found in surface waters in coastal and transitional (estuarine) waters around Northern...

DAERA Annual Chlorophyll a Survey (2008-2017)

The chlorophyll a survey is an annual assessment of the Chlorophyll a concentration in micrograms per litre found in surface waters in coastal and transitional (estuarine) waters around Northern...

Antibiotic resistant gene abundance in fresh cattle faeces from the North Wyke Farm Platform

The data consists of the abundance of antibiotic resistant genes (ARG) in fresh cattle faeces from faecal samples taken from a cohort of 30 cattle. The cattle were from the North Wyke Farm...

Vegetation change at Whim peatbog (2002-2016)

The data consist of observations of cover of plant species in permanent quadrats in a nitrogen deposition experiment on a peat bog. The experiment was located at Whim Moss in central Scotland,...

Gridded flood frequency estimates for Kerala, India

This is a set of six ASCII grids describing the peak flood event for six return periods (2-100 years) at each point of the river network in the state of Kerala, India. Estimates were derived in a...

High resolution European Monitoring and Evaluation Program Model for the UK (EMEP4UK) annual vegetation specific atmospheric deposition of oxidised sulphur, oxidised nitrogen, and reduced nitrogen for 2018

This dataset is a model output from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) model applied to the UK (EMEP4UK) driven by Weather and Research Forecast model meteorology (WRF). It...

European Monitoring and Evaluation Program Model for the UK (EMEP4UK) annual vegetation specific atmospheric deposition of oxidised sulphur, oxidised nitrogen, and reduced nitrogen for 2018

This dataset is a model output from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) model applied to the UK (EMEP4UK) driven by Weather and Research Forecast model meteorology (WRF). It...

Pollination of tomatoes by the bees Bombus terrestris and Lasioglossum spp.

This dataset describes an experimental test of potential over yielding effects on fruit set and average fruit size for tomato plants grown in the presence of three pollinator combinations: (1) the...

Gridded estimates of Ellenberg N, R, F, and L indicators for Great Britain, 1990 and 2015-2019

This information product contains gridded estimates of Ellenberg vegetation indicator scores for four different indicators: fertility (N); pH/reactivity (R); light availability (L) and moisture (F)...

Heavy metal, nitrogen, and sulphur atmospheric deposition from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Program Model for the UK (EMEP4UK) for 1750-2018

This dataset is a model output from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) model applied to the UK (EMEP4UK) driven by Weather and Research Forecast model meteorology (WRF). It...

0202C-West coast lochs-small pelagics acoustic survey- Clupea cruise 0202

Daily folders (4) of Simrad (.ek5 format) acoustic data. Excel biological data for herring and sprat in 5 pelagic and 1 demersal haul. Continual AGDS data. Sampling gear: Modified PT154 with 6 mm...

DAERA Macroalgae Rocky Shore Surveys

The rocky shore macroalgae survey is annual assessment of the proportions of rhodophyta (red algae), chlorophyta (green algae), and opportunistic macroalgae communities at fixed sites around the...

Physical and geochemical properties of saltmarsh soils from narrow diameter gouge cores in UK saltmarshes collected between 2018 and 2021

The dataset comprises of physical and biogeochemical measurements of saltmarsh soils from across 22 UK saltmarshes. Between 2018 and 2021, 462 narrow diameter gouge cores (30 mm in diameter) were...

Automatic sampler stage data from six Conwy catchment stream sites 2013 to 2016

Fifteen minute river stage height for 6 river monitoring stations within the Conwy catchment, North Wales are presented for the period 2013 to 2016. At one site (Cwm Llanerch) site the water...

Grid-to-Grid model estimates of monthly mean flow and soil moisture for Great Britain (1960 to 2015): observed driving data [MaRIUS-G2G-MORECS-monthly]

This dataset is a model output, from the Grid-to-Grid hydrological model driven by observed climate data (CEH-GEAR rainfall and MORECS potential evaporation). It provides monthly mean flow (m3/s)...

Soil aggregate stability data from arable and grassland in Countryside Survey, Great Britain 2007

This dataset consists of Particle Size Distribution (PSD) measurements made on 419 archived topsoil samples and derived aggregate stability metrics from arable and grassland habitats across Great...

UKGEOS Glasgow GGC01 Intermediate Borehole Information Pack - Part Two

The borehole information pack from borehole GGC01, site 10 of the UK Geoenergy Observatories (UKGEOS) Glasgow facility. This intermediate data release pack from BGS contains core scan optical and...

DAERA Annual Rocky Shore Macroalgae Survey (2002 - 2018)

The rocky shore macroalgae survey is annual assessment of the proportions of rhodophyta (red algae), chlorophyta (green algae), and opportunistic macroalgae communities at fixed sites around the...

DAERA Annual Rocky Shore Macroalgae Survey

The rocky shore macroalgae survey is annual assessment of the proportions of rhodophyta (red algae), chlorophyta (green algae), and opportunistic macroalgae communities at fixed sites around the...

DAERA Annual Rocky Shore Macroalgae Survey

The rocky shore macroalgae survey is annual assessment of the proportions of rhodophyta (red algae), chlorophyta (green algae), and opportunistic macroalgae communities at fixed sites around the...