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602 results found

UKCCSRC Call 1 project presentations: Mixed matrix membranes preparation for post combustion carbon capture (Jul 2015 to Jun 2016)

Posters and presentations from the UKCCSRC Call 1 Project: Mixed matrix membranes for post combustion carbon capture (Mar 2013 to Dec 2015). Membrane processes are a promising alternative to the...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project posters and presentations: Mixed matrix membranes preparation for post combustion carbon capture (Mar 2013 to Dec 2015)

Posters and presentations from the UKCCSRC Call 1 Project: Mixed matrix membranes for post combustion carbon capture (Mar 2013 to Dec 2015). Membrane processes are a promising alternative to the...

Regional Economic Analysis

Examines the contributions of people and place to levels of personal well-being across an area, using regression analysis of Annual Population Survey Personal Well-being data (2012/13) Source...

Species point records from 1985 OPRU HRE Milford Haven and the Cleddau survey

Milford Haven and the estuary of the Rivers Cleddau (the Daucleddau) are situated at the south-west tip of Wales. The area under tidal influence includes over 110 km of coastline but with an...

Habitat point records from 1985 OPRU HRE Milford Haven and the Cleddau survey

Milford Haven and the estuary of the Rivers Cleddau (the Daucleddau) are situated at the south-west tip of Wales. The area under tidal influence includes over 110 km of coastline but with an...

National Statistics Quality Review

A series of in-depth methodological reviews. NSQRs complement existing quality assurance practices, providing an additional tool to make sure ONS methods are - and remain - fit for...

Quality Report / User Guide – Northern Ireland Population Estimates

Report describing the quality of mid-year population estimates in Northern Ireland using comparator data sources and demographic analysis Source agency: Northern Ireland Statistics and Research...

Measuring e-commerce

An e-commerce and internet access dashboard bringing together information from various sources including the e-commerce survey of businesses and internet access usage statistics from households and...

Tagged Fish Database

Historical fish tagging release and recapture data. Consists of both paper and electronic records, as well as biological material collections (otoliths) from the 1940s onwards. Currently there...

Manchester Airport Safeguarding Zone - wind turbines

Dataset showing that the city council should consult with Manchester Airport for any wind turbine development within the city boundary. The purpose of the safeguarding zone is to ensure that the...

Ipswich Borough Council - Locally Listed Buildings

These are buildings in the Ipswich Borough Council’s area that make a positive contribution to its local character and sense of place because of their heritage value, but which do not enjoy the...

EPSRC Project: ORGMEMT - Organic Mixed Matrix Membrane Technologies for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture

The UK Government has set targets for the reduction of CO2 emissions of 80 % by 2050. Post-combustion capture of CO2 from power plants is key if we are to achieve these targets. Post-combustion CO2...

Rehydroxilation of Fire-Clay Ceramics: Factors affecting early-stage mass gain in dating experiments (NERC grant NE/I014039/1)

Publication associated with NERC grant NE/I014039/1. In this paper, we discuss how the initial stages of mass gain are affected by the specific surface area (SSA) of the ceramic material. The paper...

Species point records from 1987 Wood Flamborough Head sublittoral survey

Flamborough Headland is a Heritage Coast and SSSI, noted not only for its dramatic scenery and geological formations, but also for the colonies of seabirds that breed on the cliffs. It is the most...

Species point records from 1988 UMBSM Loch Ryan survey

Loch Ryan is situated at the southern entrance to the Firth of Clyde and is the most southerly of the Scottish sea lochs. It is 13.4 km in length and is shallow over its entire area with an average...

Habitat point records from 1987 Wood Flamborough Head sublittoral survey

Flamborough Headland is a Heritage Coast and SSSI, noted not only for its dramatic scenery and geological formations, but also for the colonies of seabirds that breed on the cliffs. It is the most...

Habitat point records from 1988 UMBSM Loch Ryan survey

Loch Ryan is situated at the southern entrance to the Firth of Clyde and is the most southerly of the Scottish sea lochs. It is 13.4 km in length and is shallow over its entire area with an average...

Monthly global methane emissions from natural wetlands modelled by JULES with dynamic vegetation (1980-2014) v1.0

This dataset is a model output from the JULES land surface model driven with the Watch Forcing Data methodology applied to Era-Interim (WFDEI) data. It provides monthly global methane emissions...

GeoSure Collapsible Deposits

The GeoSure datasets and related reports from the British Geological Survey provide information about potential ground movement due to six types of natural geological hazard, in a helpful and...

Mass flow and tsunami modelling results for potential events in the Sciara del Fuoco of Stromboli (NERC NE/T009438/1)

Numerical models of mass flows and tsunamis that they generated with their entrance in the sea. The mass flows propagate in the Sciara del Fuoco of Stromboli. The mass flows are not real events,...