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BGS GeoIndex - Collections data theme (OGC WxS INSPIRE)

Data from the British Geological Survey's GeoIndex Collections theme are made available for viewing here. GeoIndex is a website that allows users to search for information about BGS data...

BGS GeoIndex - Boreholes data theme (OGC WxS INSPIRE)

Data from the British Geological Survey's GeoIndex Boreholes theme are made available for viewing here. GeoIndex is a website that allows users to search for information about BGS data collections...

BGS GeoIndex - Offshore data theme (OGC WxS INSPIRE)

Data from the British Geological Survey's GeoIndex Offshore theme are made available for viewing here. GeoIndex is a website that allows users to search for information about BGS data collections...

COVID Winter Grant Data

The Covid Winter Grant (CWG) was a fund provided by the Department for Work and Pensions and administered by local authorities in England.The purpose of the grant was to support those households...

Geomechanical and discrete fracture networks in Thomas et al. 2020, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (NERC Grant NE/L000660/1)

Data supporting 'Effective permeability tensors of three-dimensional numerically grown geomechanical discrete fracture networks with evolving geometry and mechanical apertures', submitted to the...

Coal Authority - Mine Entries View Service (WMS)

This Web Mapping Service (WMS) contains a collection of information extracted from the National Coal Mining Database. This data represents a snapshot in time taken from the National Coal Mining...

Coal Authority - Coal Mining Reporting Areas View Service (WMS)

This Web Mapping Service (WMS) contains a collection of information extracted from the National Coal Mining Database. This data represents a snapshot in time taken from the National Coal Mining...

Coal Authority - Specific Risk Data View Service (WMS)

This Web Mapping Service (WMS) contains a collection of information extracted from the National Coal Mining Database. This data represents a snapshot in time taken from the National Coal Mining...

Coal Authority - Abandoned Mines View Service (WMS)

This Web Mapping Service (WMS) contains a collection of information extracted from the National Coal Mining Database. This data represents a snapshot in time taken from the National Coal Mining...

Coal Authority - Planning and Policy Constraints View Service (WMS)

This Web Mapping Service (WMS) contains a collection of information extracted from the National Coal Mining Database. This data represents a snapshot in time taken from the National Coal Mining...


Orthophotography is aerial imagery that has been geometrically corrected. An orthophoto is an image that is free of distortion, and which is characterised by a uniform scale over its entire surface...

2021 NI 3D Coastal Survey - Topographic LiDAR - Orthophotography Natural Colour

Orthophotography is aerial imagery that has been geometrically corrected. An orthophoto is an image that is free of distortion, and which is characterised by a uniform scale over its entire surface...


Orthophotography is aerial imagery that has been geometrically corrected. An orthophoto is an image that is free of distortion, and which is characterised by a uniform scale over its entire surface...

2021 NI 3D Coastal Survey - Topographic LiDAR - Orthophotography Natural Colour

Orthophotography is aerial imagery that has been geometrically corrected. An orthophoto is an image that is free of distortion, and which is characterised by a uniform scale over its entire surface...

2021 NI 3D Coastal Survey - Topographic LiDAR - Orthophotography Natural Colour

Orthophotography is aerial imagery that has been geometrically corrected. An orthophoto is an image that is free of distortion, and which is characterised by a uniform scale over its entire surface...

Carbon and nitrogen contents of soil organic matter fractions, soil organic carbon, total soil nitrogen, and soil organic matter of 100 topsoil samples from the UKCEH Countryside Survey, Great Britain, 2019-2020

Carbon and nitrogen content (g per g soil) of the free-light fraction (LF), the occluded particulate fraction (OF), the mineral associated organic matter fraction (MAOM), the particulate organic...

Digital Great Britain coastlines (DiGBcoast v1.0): a dataset of the coastline position of Great Britain from 1984 to 2022 derived from publicly available optical satellite imagery

DiGBcoast v1.0, is a new supranational dataset documenting three decades of coastal change across Great Britain mainland (England, Scotland, and Wales) including the isle of Wight and Anglesey....

BGS GeoIndex - Offshore (cultural data) data theme (OGC WxS INSPIRE)

Data from the British Geological Survey's GeoIndex Offshore (cultural data) theme are made available for viewing here. GeoIndex is a website that allows users to search for information about BGS...

Calderdale IMD 2015 Results at LSOA, Neighbourhood and Ward

The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) is one of a set of English indices of deprivation, and are released by the Department for Communities and Local Government every three to five years. The...

BGS GeoIndex - Offshore (MEDIN oil and gas industry site surveys) data theme (OGC WxS INSPIRE)

Data from the British Geological Survey's GeoIndex Offshore (MEDIN oil and gas industry site surveys) theme are made available for viewing here. GeoIndex is a website that allows users to search...