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382 results found

2007 Envision Mapping Morecambe Bay Mapping the marine habitats

Report designed to assist Natural England (NE) with decision making concerning the designation of new marine Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). This report focuses on the proposed outer...

2007 Envision Mapping Morecambe Bay Mapping the marine habitats

Report designed to assist Natural England (NE) with decision making concerning the designation of new marine Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). This report focuses on the proposed outer...

Species point records from 1986 OPRU HRE Plymouth Harbour & Yealm Estuary survey

Plymouth and the Yealm Estuary are situated on the south coast of Devon. The Plymouth area includes a complex of marine inlets, the largest of which is the Tamar which is tidal for about 30 km and...

Habitat point records from 1986 OPRU HRE Plymouth Harbour & Yealm Estuary survey

Plymouth and the Yealm Estuary are situated on the south coast of Devon. The Plymouth area includes a complex of marine inlets, the largest of which is the Tamar which is tidal for about 30 km and...

British Geological Survey (BGS) Sampling Survey 1968/7: Sedimentology investigations: Humber Estuary (18/Apr/1968 to 31/Jul/1968)

This marine sampling survey undertaken for research by University of Sheffield and the Institute of Geological Sciences (BGS) on behalf of 1 took place in April to July 1968 in the Humber Estuary...

Species point records from 1986 OPRU HRE Solent survey

The Solent system is situated midway along the English channel on the Hampshire and Sussex coasts, and is bounded on its southern side by the Isle of Wight. It includes the Eastern and Western arms...

Habitat point records from 1986 OPRU HRE Solent survey

The Solent system is situated midway along the English channel on the Hampshire and Sussex coasts, and is bounded on its southern side by the Isle of Wight. It includes the Eastern and Western arms...

2011 - Ongoing North Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (NWIFCA) Sabellaria alveolata surveys

In 2011 the north Western Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority began to complete surveys of intertidal Sabellaria alveolatata (honeycomb worm) reefs in the district. This survey technique...

2008 - ongoing The Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Devon and Cornwall SHARC group and MBA members marine biological surveys

Results from a variety of marine surveys carried out by MBA members and the MBS (Marine Biology Society at Plymouth University) once a month. Started in 2010 as a members group called SHARC...

2008 - ongoing The Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Devon and Cornwall SHARC group and MBA members marine biological surveys

Results from a variety of marine surveys carried out by MBA members and the MBS (Marine Biology Society at Plymouth University) once a month. Started in 2010 as a members group called SHARC...

2008 - ongoing The Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Devon and Cornwall SHARC group and MBA members marine biological surveys

Results from a variety of marine surveys carried out by MBA members and the MBS (Marine Biology Society at Plymouth University) once a month. Started in 2010 as a members group called SHARC...

Map based index (GeoIndex) 1:50000 series paper geological map availability

This layer of the map based index (GeoIndex) shows the availability of 1:50000 series paper geological maps. For England and Wales (and Northern Ireland), map sheets normally cover an area 30 km...

Aquifer Vulnerability Maps England and Wales

Digitised versions of a set of 1:100,000 scale maps of aquifer vulnerability for England and Wales. The dataset identifies the vulnerability to pollution of major and minor aquifers as defined by...

2007 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) broad-scale mapping and development of site condition monitoring protocols at five west coast of Scotland intertidal sites

Many of the notified marine features of SSSI lie outwith the current suite of marine SAC and have yet to be subject to marine condition monitoring assessments. The principal aim of this research...

2004 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Loch nam Madadh marine features Site Condition Monitoring inaugeration survey

The purpose of this study was to initiate Site Condition Monitoring (SCM) of the Loch nam Madadh SAC qualifying features: large shallow inlet and bays, saline lagoons, intertidal and sublittoral...

2004 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Loch nam Madadh marine features Site Condition Monitoring inaugeration survey

The purpose of this study was to initiate Site Condition Monitoring (SCM) of the Loch nam Madadh SAC qualifying features: large shallow inlet and bays, saline lagoons, intertidal and sublittoral...

2004 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Loch nam Madadh marine features Site Condition Monitoring inaugeration survey

The purpose of this study was to initiate Site Condition Monitoring (SCM) of the Loch nam Madadh SAC qualifying features: large shallow inlet and bays, saline lagoons, intertidal and sublittoral...

2008, COWRIE, Full Scale Trial of High Definition Video Survey for Offshore Windfarm Sites

Following from an initial investigation into the use of High Definition HD video for aerial waterbird survey undertaken in August 2007, this paper presents the findings of a full scale trial of the...

Municipal Recycling & Waste Strategy - Assumptions: Resident

This section outlines the assumptions we have used as a basis for Barnet Council's Municipal Recycling & Waste Strategy and the various evidence collated that supports them  R1 - Our...

Cornwall Council Brownfield Register

Following the introduction of The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017, Cornwall Council is required to publish and maintain a register of brownfield land exceeding...